Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Estudio Cuantitativo, Salud, VIDA COTIDIANA, Tabaco, Infancia, Alcohol
Quality scoring

Dataset description

ADULT AND CHILD: — Assessment of personal health status in the last twelve months. — Illness, which has limited his activity for more than ten days, in the last twelve months. — Accidents suffered in the last year. Place where the last accident occurred, need to resort to a medical service and consequences thereof. — Number of days you have had to limit your free time activities and your main activity as a result of suffering, in the last two weeks, some pain or symptom. Pain or symptom. — Number of days you have been in bed, during the last two weeks, for health reasons. — Consumption of medicines in the last two weeks. Type of medication and if prescribed by the doctor. — Attendance at medical consultations in the last fifteen days: place, reason, specialty, travel time, waiting time and type (public or private). If you have not attended a consultation in the last two weeks: time elapsed since the last consultation. — Assistance, in the last three months, to the dentist, stomatologist or dental hygienist: number of times, reason for the last query and type of query used (public or private). If you have not attended a consultation in the last three months: time elapsed since the last consultation. — State of the denture. — Hospitalisation in the last year: number of times you have been hospitalised, number of days you were admitted to the last hospitalisation, reason, waiting list, form of admission and entity that paid the expenses. — Use of the emergency department in the last year: number of times and type of emergency (public or private). If you went to a Social Security hospital: it’s a reason. — Health insurance of which it is the holder or beneficiary. — Number of hours dedicated to sleep. — Type of physical exercise that involves the usual work or activity. — Type of physical exercise performed in free time. — Vaccination in the last flu campaign. It’s a reason. — Anthropometric characteristics: weight, height. ADULTS: — Suffering from a chronic disease and limitations in its activities, during the last year, because of its cause. — Hearing or vision difficulties. — (women) Gynecological reviews. — (65 years or more) Difficulties in carrying out current activities. CHILDREN: — If the child is between 6 months and 4 years old: type of breastfeeding that the child had until six weeks, three months and six months. — If the child is over 1 year old: often you take fruit, vegetables, fish/meat, yogurts, brush your teeth at night and bathe or shower. Amount of milk you drink a day and frequency with which you watch TV. — If the child is less than 6 years old: diseases in which vaccination is recommended.
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