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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2252|BAROMETER JUNE 1997 API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Cultura política, Política exterior española, Estudio Cuantitativo, Vacaciones y turismo
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Dataset description

— Take holidays outside the usual residence during 1997. Duration, place and reasons for choosing a certain holiday area. — Comparison of the extra expenses caused by the holidays in this year with those of last year. — More important aspects when planning a vacation. — Opinion on the importance of going on vacation. — Preference for traveling or staying at home. — Frequently with which you travel outside of Spain. — Main reason not to go on vacation during 1997. — Evaluation of the current economic situation of the country, retrospective and one-year expectations. — Degree of knowledge and interest with which he follows the news related to Spanish foreign policy. — Knowledge and degree of interest in the news about the elections held in France on 2 June. — Opinion on the influence of the change of government in France on the implementation of the Economic and Monetary Union (euro), relations with Spain, attacks on Spanish trucks and agricultural products and counter-terrorism collaboration. — Evaluation of the change in Spanish society since the first democratic elections. — Opinion on whether the Spanish transition model is a pride for Spaniards. — Importance of the performance of various leaders and political parties in the transition. — Preference between different forms of government. — Degree of satisfaction with the current functioning of democracy in Spain. — Evaluation of the current political situation of the country and expectations to one year. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in the general elections of March 1996. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 1996. — Job expectations of employment and unemployment.
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