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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Lenguas, JUSTICIA, EDUCACIÓN, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Degree of importance that the interviewee attaches to the knowledge of foreign languages. — Opinion on the degree of importance that is given in teaching in Spain to the study of foreign languages. A degree of importance that was given when I was ten or twelve years old. — Level of knowledge and place of learning of English, French, Portuguese, German, Italian and other foreign languages. Assessment of the degree of difficulty in learning these languages. — Language you are currently studying. Main reason for studying this language. — Language I would like to learn. The main reason for this wish. — Agreement with phrases about the difficulty of language learning. — Making a trip abroad. Frequency with which he usually travels abroad and main reasons for such trips. — Opinion on the most important problem I would have in the case of having to move to live abroad. — Opinion on the most important factor in finding work today and the one that was most important ten years ago. — Possession of children between the ages of 7 and 18.Language/s you studied and perfecting system/s that you use in learning that language/s. — Evaluation of the current political situation of the country, prospective and expectations to one year. — Scale of trust in fundamental institutions of democracy. — Opinion on the equality of Spaniards before the Court. — Assessment of the current functioning of the courts of justice in Spain and retrospective to two or three years. — Opinion on the adequacy of human and material resources of the courts of law. — Opinion on the degree of confidence that inspires the judge. — Assessment of the current degree of independence of Spanish judges. — Evolution of the opinion of the interviewee regarding the judges in the last three years. — Degree of agreement with different phrases on the functioning of justice. — Evaluation of the criminalisation in Spain of crime. Responsible for not sufficiently punishing criminals. — Evaluation of the current economic situation of the country, prospective and expectations to one year. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in the general elections of March 1996. — Vote fidelity in general elections in March 1996. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 1996. — Job expectations of employment and unemployment. TO THOSE WHO HAVE CHILDREN BETWEEN 7 AND 18 YEARS OLD: — Foreign languages that study in their school. — Use of other reinforcements to perfect the language you study in the school or to study a different language.
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