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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Administración y servicios públicos, Drogas, Delincuencia y seguridad ciudadana, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Issues that concern the Spaniards and the interviewee in particular. — Evolution in the last five years of different public services. — Problems or situations in which you think when talking about citizen insecurity. — Crimes that concern you the most or that you are most afraid that they could happen to you personally. — Frequency with which they occur in their neighborhood different situations. — Measures that you usually take to feel more secure. — The three main causes of crime today. — Victimisation in the last year and in the last ten years. Crimes suffered in the last year. — Crimes suffered in the last year that have been reported: Force of Public Order/juzgado before which he lodged the complaint, reason for the election of said Police Corps and receipt, after the complaint, of information on the course of the investigations. To those who have not denounced: reason why you have not reported the crime you have suffered. — Change in their daily habits after victimisation. — To those who have been victims of an attempted crime in the last ten years: how you've avoided this crime attempt. — Seriousness of the drug problem in the city or town in which you reside. To those who think it is a major problem: severity of drug-related crime. — Opinion on the evolution of the drug problem in recent years in your town or city, and in Spain as a whole. — Evaluation of the effectiveness of various measures to address the drug problem. — Main responsible for avoiding drug use — Scale of trust in various institutions. — Scale of assessment of the performance and effectiveness of the Guardia Civil in different aspects. — Comparison of different Security Corps (Civil Guard, National Police, Municipal Police and Autonomous Police): assessment of different aspects of its performance and effectiveness. Opinion on the service they perform better and worse each of them. A body that should be responsible for the various police functions or missions. Ideas or sensations that you experience when you encounter a patrol of each of the Security Corps. — Reason why it has been directed, in the last year, to some dependencies of the Civil Guard. Scale of assessment of the care received in different aspects of the service. — Assistance from the Guardia Civil to the interviewee on occasion. If it has been in the last year: situation for which the interviewee received help from the Guardia Civil. — Denunciation of the Guardia Civil to the interviewee in the last year: assessment of different aspects of the treatment received when reported. — Problem that the interviewee has had with the Guardia Civil in the last year. Solving the problem. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 1996 general elections.
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