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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Violencia doméstica y violencia de género, Salud, Sistema sanitario, Estudio Cuantitativo, Mujer
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Dataset description

— Area considered to be of greatest interest to citizens: defence, education, health, housing, pensions, transport or citizen security — Opinion on the Spanish health system — Health insurance of which you are the holder or beneficiary — Type of health card held: individual or family booklet — Possibility of going to more than one doctor of general medicine, in the case of being a beneficiary on more than one card or Social Security card — Knowledge of the name of the general medical doctor who usually treats you in the public primary care facility — Type of medical service, public or private, that you would use in case you need to go to: general medicine/pediatrics, specialist consultations, hospital admission and emergencies. Service used the last time you used public and private health — Time that has elapsed since you last used a public health service and a private one. Main reasons for its use — Specialty to which she attended the last time this year, in public and private health — Scale of satisfaction with various aspects of the care received in public health in: general Medicine/Paediatric Consultations, Specialised Care and Hospitals — Stay of the interviewee or a member of the household in a public hospital. Assignment of a doctor responsible for your illness. Time that has elapsed since the last time you were admitted to a public hospital — Scale of assessment of the information provided by public health services — Number of complaints submitted to public health — Last complaint submitted, type of health center and reason for complaint, complaint procedure used and resolution thereof — Reason never to file a complaint — Illness or situation that causes you more fear: cancer, traffic accidents, heart attack or AIDS — Opinion on the likelihood you have, personally, of becoming infected with the AIDS virus — Knowledge of the routes of transmission of the AIDS virus — Opinion on the likelihood of becoming infected with AIDS from different social groups — Opinion on whether scientists currently know all the routes of transmission of AIDS — Opinion on the effectiveness of various measures to prevent the spread of AIDS — Attitudes I would adopt to AIDS sufferers — Measures to be taken by the authorities in the face of AIDS — Personal image of the physical appearance of a person infected with AIDS — Opinion on the incidence of the AIDS epidemic on the sexual behavior of Spaniards — Measures you would take to protect yourself from AIDS — Problems that most affect women today and that have more social impact on women — Knowledge of prevention measures to prevent osteoporosis — Opinion on the main causes of bulimia and anorexia — Opinion on the level of information available to the general population, young people and health professionals on problems related to bulimia and anorexia nervosa — Opinion on whether the increase in news related to assaults and ill-treatment of women is due to an increase in violence against women or to more cases coming to light — Opinion on the incidence of different causes in the aggressions suffered by some women — Measures to be taken to reduce the problem of violence against women — Opinion on the nature of violence against women: it’s a public health problem, a social problem, a judicial problem or all three things. — Opinion on the main consequence suffered by battered women — Opinion on the degree of information that women have on how to act and exercise their rights with respect to this type of aggression — Opinion on the type of benefit that battered women who go to health services should receive — Scale of political ideology — Number of people living in the interviewee’s home
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