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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Estudio Cuantitativo, Elecciones Autonómicas en Aragón
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Feeling that inspires politics — Level of knowledge you have about what happens in politics — Frequently with which he reads the political sections of newspapers, talks about politics, tries to guide the vote of his friends, attends rallies, participates in demonstrations and works for a party or candidate — Degree of interest with which he followed the electoral campaign of the elections to the Cortes of Aragon — Electoral campaign for which he was most interested: election campaign for municipal or regional elections; electoral campaign for the regional or European regions — Follow-up of the electoral campaign for the regional elections: follow-up in the media (and via the Internet), reading electoral propaganda, attending events, talking to friends or family or party militants — Degree of influence exerted by the electoral campaign to: know the programs of each party, know the candidates better, see the differences in regional politics between the parties and to decide their vote — Assessment of the electoral campaign carried out by each of the leaders — Evaluation of the campaign for the regional elections that have been carried out by each of the political parties — Exercise of the right to vote, in general, in general elections and regional elections — Exercise of the right to vote in these elections to the Cortes de Aragón. If you decided not to vote: reason why he did not vote, when he decided that he would not vote, party for which he would have decided in case he went to the polls and degree of satisfaction with his decision. If you were unable to vote: reason why he could not vote and party he would have voted for if he had been able to exercise his right to vote. If you have voted: when the party I was going to vote for decided, I remember voting in these regional elections, vote fidelity and satisfaction with the vote cast in these regional elections — Decision taken before the regional elections of 13 June: abstaining, voting for a particular party, doubting between two political parties or doubting between a political party and abstention. If you had doubts: matches or options among which he doubted — Reason for voting for IU, PSOE, PP, PAR or CHA in the past regional elections: it is the party/coalition that best defends the interests of the Community of Aragon, it is the one that best defends/represents its interests, it is the one that presents better candidates, it is the political party that is best able to govern, always votes for this party/coalition or other reason — Issues, regional or national, that most influenced their voting decision in the past regional elections — Opinion on vote fidelity in regional and general elections — Perception of the degree of influence exerted by the electoral campaign on voters and their voting decision — Overall assessment of the results of the regional elections of 13 June — Degree of importance that these regional elections have had, compared with the regional elections of 1995 — Vote recall in the elections in the regional elections of 1995 and in the general elections of March 1996 — Probability of voting for different political parties — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee — Scale of ideology applied to political parties — Degree of closeness to the different political parties or coalitions
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