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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Administración y servicios públicos, Estudio Cuantitativo, Sistema sanitario
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Dataset description

— Area considered to be of greatest interest to citizens: defence, education, health, housing, pensions, transport or citizen security — Opinion on the Spanish health system — Health insurance of which you are the holder or beneficiary — Type of health card held: individual or family booklet — Possibility of going to more than one doctor of general medicine, in the case of being a beneficiary on more than one card or Social Security card — Knowledge of the name of the general medical doctor who usually treats you in the public primary care facility — Type of medical service, public or private, that you would use in case you need to go to: general medicine/pediatrics, specialist consultations, hospital admission and emergencies. Service used the last time you used public and private health — Time that has elapsed since you last used a public health service and a private one. Main reasons for its use — Specialty to which she attended the last time this year, in public and private health — Scale of satisfaction with various aspects of the care received in public health in the consultation of general medicine/pediatrics, in specialised care and in hospitals — Stay of the interviewee or a member of the household in a public hospital. Assignment of a doctor responsible for your illness. Time that has elapsed since the last time you were admitted to a public hospital — Scale of assessment of the information provided by public health services — Number of complaints submitted to public health. Last complaint submitted, type of health center and reason for complaint, complaint procedure used and resolution thereof. Reason for never filing a complaint — Behavior before the prescription of the doctor of medicines: purchase and consumption — Knowledge of different measures developed by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs to reduce public pharmaceutical expenditure: encouraging the use of generic medicines, setting reference prices, adapting the contents of packaging to the necessary doses and intakes, excluding certain medicines from the social security pharmaceutical service and reducing the price of medicines. Means by which you have heard of these measures — Opinion on the degree of effectiveness of the marketing of generic medicines in rationalising pharmaceutical expenditure — Opinion on the volume of generic medicines that currently exist in Spain — Behavior (acceptance or rejection) you would have in a hypothetical situation in which the doctor prescribes a generic medicine — Purchase or administration of a generic medicinal product: information they gave you about the drug and difficulty in obtaining — Knowledge of the medicines that are or are not generic in the following list: amoxicillin, captopril, ciprofloxacin, paracetamol, diclofenac, acetyl salicylic acid, insulin, nifedipine and ranitidine. Ways You Have Learned They Are Generic Drugs — Knowledge of the Royal Decree of the Ministry of Health and Consumption ‘on Reference Prices’ aimed at rationalising public pharmaceutical expenditure. Opinion on this measure and on the impact it will have on the reduction of public pharmaceutical expenditure — Opinion on the greater influence that pharmacists can have on the choice of drug with the existence of generic drugs and with reference prices — Attitude you would adopt if the doctor prescribed a drug more expensive than the reference price — Knowledge of the Decree by which the price of medicines is reduced by 6 %. Observation of any reduction in the price of medicines purchased in the last 15 days — Opinion on the objectives it believes the health administration pursues with these measures. Objectives that, you believe, you will achieve — Opinion on the adequacy of these measures and their assessment — Opinion on who is responsible for controlling public expenditure on medicines: exclusively to the health authorities or it is something we all need to collaborate on. Opinion on who should be responsible — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee
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