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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Estudio Cuantitativo, Elecciones Legislativas 2000, Elecciones Autonómicas en Andalucía
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Dataset description

— Often talking about politics in the interviewee’s home as a child or teenager. — Degree of agreement with different phrases about politics. — Preference for political regime. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of democracy in Spain. — Participation in political actions. — Participation in various associations, political parties or trade unions. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective after the last elections. — Evaluation of the economic situation in Spain, current and prospective. Assessment of the family, current and prospective economic situation after the last elections. — Opinion on the issue that has been most debated during the election campaign for the March 12 elections. Political party that presented a position closer to that of the interviewee on this issue. — Frequency in the follow-up of the election campaign through newspapers, television and radio. — Follow-up of interviews conducted on television with candidates who were running for elections. Influence of these interviews in their opinion on candidates and influence at the time of voting. — Electoral propaganda you have seen: on television and in print. — Participation in the electoral campaign of political parties through financial contributions, personal work or attendance at rallies. — Political parties that have contacted the interviewee during the election campaign. Medium used. — Frequently with which he has talked about the elections, during the election campaign, at home, with his friends, with his neighbors and with his co-workers. — Opinion on whether your voting option has coincided with that of your family, friends, neighbors and that of your co-workers. — Evaluation of the electoral campaign of each of the political parties or coalitions and of the different political leaders. — Knowledge of the results of a pre-electoral survey or poll. Influence on your decision to go to vote and on your voting decision. — Electoral behavior of the interviewee in the general elections of March 12. — Time of abstention decision. — Grounds for abstaining from voting. — Intention to vote in the case of having voted in the general elections of March 12. — Moment of vote decision. — I remember voting in general elections on March 12. — Vote fidelity in general elections on March 12. — Attitude in the vote: he voted the party enthusiastically, with satisfaction, with certain doubts or because it was a minor evil. — Knowledge of the name of the first candidate or leader of the province of the party to which he voted. — Option in the Senate vote: he voted for the same party as Congress, voted for candidates from another party, elected candidates from different parties or did not vote. — Vote decision in the last elections. Political parties among which he doubted. — Main reason why you voted to: IU, PP or PSOE. — Intention to vote in these elections in the event of having known in advance the results. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee and of the interviewee’s parents. — Scale of political ideology applied to political parties. — Degree of closeness to any political party or coalition. ONLY IN ANDALUSIA: — Evaluation of the electoral campaign of the different parties and political leaders who stood for the elections to the Parliament of Andalusia. — Electoral behavior of the interviewee in the regional elections of March 12. — Time of abstention decision. Grounds for abstaining from voting. — Intention to vote in the event of having voted in the regional elections. — Moment of vote decision. — I remember voting in regional elections on March 12. — Vote fidelity in regional elections on March 12. — Vote decision in the last elections. Political parties among which he doubted. — Intention to vote in these elections in the event of having known in advance the results. — Preference over the different alternatives that the PSOE has to form a government in Andalusia.
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