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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Infancia, Estudio Cuantitativo, Televisión, Juventud
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Dataset description

— Number of people in the household and people under 19 years of age. — Number of TVs in the home: with remote control and no control. Having a TV in a children’s room. — Holding in the home of: video, Canal +, Canal Satellite Digital, Via Digital, local cable TV, teletext, video game console, stereo, computer and internet. Use by the child. — Uses given by the child to the video. — Age at which the son started watching television. Number of hours and time slot in which the child watches television on a working day and on a public holiday. — Time at which the child normally lies on working days and holidays. — People with whom the child usually watches television. Often the interviewee watches television with their child. — Activity to which the child spends more time, not counting the hours of class and study. Activity you would like to devote more time to. — Activity to which the interviewee spends more time in his leisure hours. — Opinion on the number of hours the child watches television. — Opinion on the main reasons why the child watches television. — Guidance to the child about the most convenient programs, limit on the time the child spends watching television and conversations with him about the programs he usually watches. — Attitude he adopts when the child is watching a television show that he considers to be unsuitable for him. — Opinion on whether parents should control the TV shows the children watch. Age of the children until which this control must be exercised. — Opinion on whether the different networks should put programs suitable for children and adolescents at the times when they usually watch television. Time until they could be asked for this requirement. — Responsible for the television programs that children watch. — Types of programs that most often view the interviewee and the child. — Opinion about the programs that children see and, in general, about children’s programming. — Main reasons why a TV show can be harmful to children under 13 and to children aged 13 and over. — Opinion on the contents that exalt violence. — Attitude towards the emission of scenes of violence during childhood hours. — Agreement with phrases about the influence of television on children’s behavior. — Children’s or youth program that you would like them to put on more often or to retake. — Opinion about the time that television devotes to advertising. — Attitude towards advertising. — Agreement with phrases about the influence of advertising on children and adolescents. — Opinion on the influence of advertising volume on television on children. Type of ads that are more harmful. — Action taken in advertising cuts on television. — Religious religiosity and practice of the interviewee. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee TO CHILDREN: — Type of educational center, public, private religious or non-religious, to which you go. It’s a course. — Place, school or house, in which you eat. — Evaluation of the notes it takes. — Activity to which he spends more time, outside of study hours. Activity you would like to spend more time on. — Often with which you watch TV. — Time band to which you usually watch television on working days and on holidays, maximum time until you usually watch TV at night. — Opinion about the time spent watching TV. I want to devote more time and reasons why you watch TV less time than desired. — Main reasons why you watch TV. — People with whom you watch TV in the afternoon and at night. — Usual behavior: watch only the programs that interest you or watch TV because it’s on, even if it doesn't interest you very much. — Media by which you learn about the programs that broadcast on television — TV program that he likes the most — Attitude to the different programs that broadcast on television — Show you would like to be broadcast on TV — Programs you saw the day before — Attitude of parents: they advise you on what programs to watch and prohibit watching some programs — Attitude you adopt when you broadcast violent scenes on television — Degree of interest in the advertisements they broadcast on television — Frequency with which you would like to buy what appears advertised in children’s advertising — Preference for the volume of advertising on television — Action taken before advertising cuts on television — Last ad you remember seeing on TV
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