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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2404|HEALTH BAROMETER 2000 (3 RD WAVE) API!

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Administración y servicios públicos, Estudio Cuantitativo, Sistema sanitario
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Area considered to be of greatest interest to citizens: defense, education, health, housing, pensions, transport or citizen security. — Opinion on the Spanish health system. — Health insurance of which it is the holder or beneficiary. — Type of health card held: individual or family booklet. — Possibility of going to more than one doctor of general medicine, in the case of being a beneficiary on more than one card or Social Security card. — Knowledge of the name of the general medical doctor who usually treats you in the public primary care center. — Type of medical service, public or private, that you would use in case you need to go to: general medicine/pediatrics, specialist consultations, hospital admission and emergencies. Service used the last time you used public/private health. — Time that has elapsed since you last used a public health service and a private one. Main reasons for its use. — Specialty that he attended the last time this year, in public and private health. — Scale of satisfaction with various aspects of the care received in public health in the consultation of general medicine/pediatrics, in specialised care and in hospitals. — Stay of the interviewee or a member of the household in a public hospital. Assignment of a doctor responsible for your illness. Time that has elapsed since the last time you were admitted to a public hospital. — Scale of assessment of the information provided by public health services. — Number of complaints submitted to public health. Last complaint submitted, type of health center and reason for complaint, complaint procedure used and resolution thereof. Reason for never filing a complaint. — Opinion on whether there are currently waiting lists in public health for: specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, hospital admission for surgical operation or hospital admission for diagnosis and treatment without operation. — Opinion on whether health authorities in your autonomous community are carrying out measures to improve waiting lists. — Opinion on the evolution of waiting lists in your autonomous community in the last year. — Opinion on who should mainly cover the care needs of the elderly or chronically ill: the State or the family. — Knowledge of different social and health services aimed at the elderly and chronically ill. — Opinion on what is the best form of health care for an older person with a chronic illness. — Sufficiency of the services that currently exist to care for elderly people with chronic diseases. Services that you believe should be created, if you think they are insufficient. — Persons or entities that should report on the social and health benefits and services currently in place for elderly people with chronic diseases — Opinion on the evolution in the near future of the care that children currently provide to their parents. — According to different consequences that may imply for a person the dedication of part of his time to the care of the elderly. — Importance of different measures that the Public Administrations could adopt to help people who are dependent on the elderly or chronically ill in their family. — Degree of interest in being part of mutual aid associations in the care of elderly people or with chronic diseases. — Opinion on the need for training to be able to care for an elderly person. — Opinion on whether the State should take care of the assistance tasks carried out by the family and volunteers. — Volume of people in their environment who are currently providing some type of help to the elderly or chronically ill. — Attention in your case of someone in these circumstances. Type of care provided and type of person cared for. Relationship you have with that person. — While he has been providing that help. Importance of your personal help, compared to others that person receives. Types of help he gets. If they are public or NGO aid, they have been receiving that aid and often with which they receive that aid. — Time of care required by the person to whom the interviewee attends and the number of hours that the interviewee dedicates to him/her personally. Problems he’s been dealing with. — Opinion on who should perform these care. — Form of payment that would seem fairer in case you have to live in a public social health residence for having some type of disability. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Number of people living in the interviewee’s home. PERSONS AGED 65 AND OVER: — Possession of an illness or disability that makes it difficult for you in your daily life. If yes, persons or entities providing assistance to you.
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