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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2406|JANUARY 2001 BAROMETER API!

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Alimentación, Navidad, Ocio y aficiones, Días festivos
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Main problems that exist in Spain. Problems that affect you the most personally. — Holiday days you have enjoyed during the Christmas holidays. — Making a trip outside your habitual residence and, at least, four or five days, during the past Christmas. Main reason for the trip. — Character of Christmas parties. — Place where he celebrated Christmas Eve dinner and New Year’s Eve dinner. — Realisation of extraordinary expenses on meals and gifts during the Christmas holidays. Amount of such extraordinary expenses. — Day, Christmas or Kings, on which Christmas gifts are made in the interviewee’s home. — Purchase of lottery in the extraordinary draws of Christmas and the Child. Money you've spent. People with whom he shares the Christmas lottery. — Money you have spent, or plan to spend, on the January rebates. — Degree of concern about the disease of the ‘mad cows’. Degree to which you feel informed about this problem. — Degree of agreement with the sentence: I know perfectly what I have to do about this crazy cow thing, what I have to buy, what I don't have to buy and how to act at all times. — Change in consumption patterns, since the contamination of the disease in a cow in Spain, of: beef and meat products, fish, pork and derivatives, chicken, lamb and hamburgers. — Degree of confidence in the control and monitoring of the quality of food products that can be ensured by the Spanish Administration and the European Union. — Evaluation of the current Spanish economic situation, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Main economic problems that, from their point of view, most affect Spaniards. — Assessment of the anti-terrorist pact signed by the PP and the PSOE. — International policy issue that has worried him most during the last six months. — Assessment of the role played by Spain at the Nice Summit (meeting of Heads of State and Government of the European Union), held in the first half of December. Assessment of the final results of the summit for Spain. — Evaluation of the current Spanish political situation, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Main political problems that, from their point of view, most affect Spaniards. — Main social problems that, from their point of view, most affect Spaniards. — Knowledge and scale of valuation of political leaders. — Evaluation of the management of the Government of the PP. — Evaluation of the PSOE’s performance in the opposition. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of the ministers who form the Government. — Degree of confidence inspired by the President of the Government José Mª Aznar. — Intention to vote in general elections. — Scale of political ideology. — Remembrance of vote in the general elections of March 2000. — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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