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Vejez, Alimentación, Estudio Cuantitativo, Mujer, CONFLICTOS Y PROBLEMAS SOCIALES, Infancia, Unión Europea, Violencia doméstica y violencia de género
Dataset description
— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that affect you the most.
— Degree of concern about the disease of the ‘mad cows’. Degree to which you feel informed about this problem.
— Degree of agreement with the sentence: I know perfectly what I have to do about this crazy cow thing, what I have to buy, what I don't have to buy and how to act at all times.
— Change in consumption patterns, since the contamination of the disease in a cow in Spain, of: beef and meat products, fish, pork and derivatives, chicken, lamb and hamburgers.
— Degree of confidence in the control and monitoring of the quality of food products that can be ensured by the Spanish Administration and the European Union.
— Degree of confidence in the food products you buy in stores and supermarkets.
— The extent to which domestic violence against men, women, children and the elderly is widespread in our country.
— Often in Spanish families there are: physical assault or abuse of the partner, sexual abuse of the partner, assault or physical abuse of children, sexual abuse of children and assault and abuse of the elderly.
— Assessment of the severity of different forms of domestic violence: physical violence or ill-treatment, psychological violence, sexual violence, verbal threats and restriction of liberty.
— Degree to which different causes influence domestic violence: alcohol abuse, drug use, poverty, violence in television films and series, unemployment, low cultural status, physical or sexual ill-treatment, psychological or mental problems.
— Volume of news, which he has received in the last 6 months, about ill-treatment of women by their partners. She often talks about this issue with people around her.
— Opinion on whether the increase in the volume of news about ill-treatment of women is due to the increase in violence against women or because more cases come to light.
— Influence of different causes in violence against women by their partners: jealousy, sense of possession, machismo or other causes.
— Degree of personal acceptance of domestic violence towards women.
— Institutions, organisations or individuals who, they believe, can provide more effective assistance to women victims of domestic violence.
— At which time, she believes, a woman must report to the authorities that she has been ill-treated by her partner: when there are serious physical assaults, when there are physical assaults even if they are not serious or when there are threats even if there are no physical assaults.
— Opinion on the reasons why the victims do not report these crimes.
— Opinion on the degree of trust that can have in the authorities a woman who denounces ill-treatment by her partner.
— Evaluation of the degree of information that women have on how to act and exercise their rights with respect to this type of aggression.
— Evaluation of the usefulness of various measures to combat domestic violence against women: a toll-free telephone number for women seeking help and advice; a card with the emergency numbers; information leaflets with help and advice; stricter laws; stricter application of existing laws; laws to prevent sexual discrimination; teaching police officers about women’s rights; public awareness campaigns; re-education and reintegration of the culprits and teaching young people mutual respect.
— Personal knowledge of any case of ill-treatment of women. Denunciation of the fact.
— Opinion on whether the government should be more involved in the fight against domestic violence against women.
— Volume of cases of ill-treatment, abandonment or lack of adequate care in the case of children and the elderly.
— Frequency in which it is essential, in the education of children, to give them a shout or raise their voice and give them a whip or slap.
— Evolution, in the last five years, of the ill-treatment of women, children and the elderly.
— Possible evolution, within five years, of the ill-treatment of women, children and the elderly.
— Willingness to report someone who habitually beats his wife, someone who abuses a child or someone who abuses an old man.
— International issue that has worried him most in the last six months.
— Evaluation of the current and prospective Spanish economic situation to one year.
— Evaluation of the current and prospective Spanish political situation to one year.
— Scale of political ideology.
— Remembrance of vote in the general elections of March 2000.
— Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections.
— Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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