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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Drogas, Cultura política, MEDIO AMBIENTE, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Países iberoamericanos, Situación económica española, Estudio Cuantitativo, Tabaco, Internet
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain and personal, current, retrospective and prospective one year. — Personal economic situation compared to the one I had 10 years ago. Comparison to the one you have the rest of the people in your community. Comparison with the one their parents had and with the one who, he believes, will have their children. — Opinion on the distribution of income in Spain. — Opinion on what human or material resources are important for a country to develop successfully. — Agreement with different phrases on the degree to which the state must intervene in the economy. — Evolution in the last year of crime and drug addiction in Spain. — Importance of the drug problem in Spain. — Personal or family victimisation in the last year. — Consumption or sale of drugs among people around you in the last year. — Degree of information you have on the production and illegal trafficking of drugs in Colombia. Opinion on the degree of danger to Spain of such traffic. — Evaluation of the quality of primary, secondary and university education in Spain. — Opinion on the causes of unemployment in Spain. — Opinion on the protection that Spanish workers have thanks to labor laws. — Comparison of opportunities to find a job today with those I had five years ago. — Degree of concern about becoming unemployed in the next year. — People or groups more discriminated against currently in Spain. — Degree of satisfaction with your life. — Degree of trust in people. — Degree of trust in the rulers. — Meaning of ‘democracy’. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of democracy in Spain. — Preferred political regime. — Most essential feature in a democracy. — Personal priority between democracy and economic development. — Degree of agreement with different phrases about the legitimacy of breaking democratic rules in certain cases. — Opinion on the need for the existence of Parliament and political parties for democracy to exist. Attitude towards the abolition of Parliament and political parties. — Degree of agreement with different phrases about political parties. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections. — Degree of interest in politics. — Degree of political participation. — Opinion on the degree to which Spaniards comply with the laws, are demanding of their rights, are aware of their obligations and duties and are honest. — Degree of trust in various groups or institutions. — Degree of agreement on different phrases on political ethics. — Institutions or groups that currently have more power in Spain. — Opinion on the degree to which politicians offer solutions to the problems that Spain has. — Opinion about which country in Latin America and the world is our best friend. — Degree of pride for being Spanish. — Number of days during the past week that followed the news on television, in newspapers and on the radio. Degree of attention paid to each medium. — Opinion on the state of the environment in Spain. — Degree of personal concern about environmental problems. Extent of pollution that you are personally most concerned about: that of your community, your country or that of the whole world. — Environmental problems that need to be taken immediately in Spain. — Active participation in environmental protection. — Assessment of your physical and emotional health in this last year. — Smoking: age at which he started smoking and current habit. — Religiosity of the interviewee. — Educational level, age at which he finished his studies and years in total dedicated to the study, the interviewee and the main person in the home. — Domestic equipment. — Possession of internet access. Main internet usage. Hours a day and number of weekly days surfing the internet.
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