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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Vivienda y entorno, MEDIO AMBIENTE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that affect you the most. — Years that he has been residing in his current home. Number of dwellings in which you have resided. — Tenure of your home. Type of housing. — Often with which you attend meetings or meetings of neighbors in your community. — Degree of satisfaction with housing. Satisfaction with different aspects of housing: the communication of the house, the interior distribution, the construction, the insulation, the orientation, the size, the security of the building and the aesthetics of the building. — The dwelling in which you reside owns: large terrace or balcony, garden, swimming pool, children’s areas or sports areas. — Intention to change housing in the next two or three years. — Possession of a second residence. Distance from your usual residence. — Degree and type of relationship he maintains with his neighbors. — Degree of satisfaction with the neighborhood or town in which you reside. — Degree of satisfaction with different aspects of the neighborhood or town in which you reside: noise, pollution, water quality, traffic problems and other environmental problems. — Opinion on the equipment of the neighborhood or town in which you reside: green areas, schools, health centers, shopping areas, sports areas, leisure places, collective transport and recycling containers. Evolution in the last five years. — Making purchases of food, drinks, etc. and clothing and footwear in the neighborhood or village in which he resides. — Participation, in your neighborhood or village and in the last two years, in: recreational organisations or parties, trade union or political activities, protest actions or in favor of something that could harm or benefit the neighborhood. — Opinion on the extent to which the immigrant population in your neighborhood or town has increased. — Frequently with which in your neighborhood or town there are: noises caused by bars, clubs; street scandals; racist behaviour; dirt and problems of citizen insecurity. — If you reside in a municipality greater than 10,000 inhabitants: degree of satisfaction with the municipality in which you live. Degree of importance of housing, traffic, pollution, citizen insecurity, the environment and immigration in your municipality. Evolution in the last five years. — Degree of satisfaction with the autonomous community in which you live. — Autonomous communities in which he has resided. — I want to go live in another autonomous community. — Opinion on the differences in prosperity and wealth that exist between the different autonomous communities today. — Evaluation of the current and prospective Spanish economic situation to one year. — Evaluation of the current and prospective Spanish political situation to one year. — Scale of political ideology. — Remembrance of vote in the general elections of March 2000. — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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