Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2429|SEPTEMBER 2001 BAROMETER API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Internet, Tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC), Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Problems that currently exist in Spain. Problems that concern you most personally — Degree of interest in new developments in the field of science and technology — Opinion on the extent to which different devices or new technologies are necessary in your daily life: mobile phone, digital TV channels, personal computer, Internet connection, DVD, cable TV, fax or e-mail — Opinion on whether the use in Spain of these devices and technologies is more widespread than in the rest of the countries of the European Union — Personal interest in using certain services that can be obtained through a computer or mobile phone — Probability of performing certain activities through a computer in the near future — Mobile phone holding. Frequency of use and main reasons for its use. Intention to buy a mobile phone in the next 6 months in the case of not having mobile phone now — Frequency and main reason of use of the computer. Intention to use it in the next 6 months if you are not currently using it — Knowledge and use of the Internet — Places from which you connect to the Internet and frequency of use. Specific Internet services and activities that you use most frequently — Main reason why you do not use the Internet even if you know it. Intention to use it in the next 6 months — Knowledge and use of email. Frequency of use of email, places from which you use it. Type of email, professional or particular, that you receive most frequently — Opinion on whether the confidentiality of e-mail messages is guaranteed — Opinion on the need for every Spanish household to have a computer — Owning a personal computer in your home. Since when you have your computer in the home. Hardware or peripherals you have on your computer. Reason why you do not have a personal computer in your home and intend to acquire one in the next 6 months — Opinion on what is the main advantage and what the main drawback of working from home or another — place different to the workplace. Desire to be able to work from home — Degree of concern about the use of information technology and the right to privacy of citizens — Opinion on the degree of security, with regard to the protection of personal data, that you have when carrying out different activities — Evaluation of Spain’s current and prospective one-year economic situation — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain current and prospective one year — Scale of ideology of the interviewee — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections — Electoral volatility in March 2000 general elections
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