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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Terrorismo, Estudio Cuantitativo, Conflictos internacionales
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Media outlet through which followed the terrorist attacks against the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon of Washington on September 11. Interest in tracking this news. — Feeling of closeness at the time of the attacks. — Feeling of solidarity with the American people. — Opinion on whether these attacks are an isolated act or the beginning of a new stage. — Degree of concern about events that may occur. — Opinion on whether there is an international network or if they are isolated terrorist groups. — Opinion on whether, in the coming weeks or months, in the United States or any other developed country, terrorist actions of that importance may occur. — Evaluation of the impact for our country of possible armed action. — Assessment of the impact of this situation on the Spanish and global economy. — Attitude towards a possible international coalition to tackle international terrorism. Attitude towards a possible incorporation of Spain. — Evaluation of the real effectiveness that an Alliance would have to end terrorism in the world. — Attitude towards a possible active participation of Spain in that Alliance. Attitude in the event that it was a military involvement. — Attitude towards a possible curtailment of the freedoms we have today if this is a better fight against terrorism. — Assessment of how US President Bush is coping with the situation created after the attacks. — Attitude towards the measures taken by the European Union to facilitate the transfer of suspected terrorists from one country to another. — Evaluation of the reaction of the Spanish Government since the crisis began. — Assessment of the attitude adopted by the main opposition party, the PSOE. — Opinion on whether there is a link between ETA terrorism and international terrorism. — Evaluation of the benefit of creating an alliance of countries fighting terrorism in the fight against ETA. — Assessment of the extent to which xenophobic attitudes against the Arab population are taking place in Spain. — Personal fear of traveling by plane after the attacks. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections. — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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