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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Religión, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Estudio Cuantitativo, Relaciones interpersonales, Familia y formas de convivencia
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Dataset description

— Preference to spend active or inactive free time. — People for whom you prefer to be accompanied in your free time. — Self-perception of the number of friends you have. — Perception of the number of times you see your friends. — Importance it attaches to friendship. — Feeling before people with different ideas than yours. — Attitude to having as neighbors to: persons who have been in prison; persons of different race; students; people of extreme left; single mothers; far-right persons; large families; people with psychic problems; immigrants, foreign workers; people with AIDS; homosexuals. — Degree of trust in people. — Conception of the goodness or not of the human being by nature. — Opinions on the degree of trust between young people and adults in Spanish society. — Opinion on whether people are currently more willing to help others than they did ten years ago. — Feeling of loneliness. — Feelings you have had in recent weeks: he has been especially interested in something; so restless that he could not be still; proud to receive compliments for something he did; solitary; happy for something you've done; boring; happy, thinking that living is fantastic; happy because things go the way you want or depressed, thinking that nothing is worth it. — Often with which a person feels tied, without freedom to do what he wants. — Perception (scale) of the degree of freedom you have to choose and control your own life. — Feeling of happiness. — Scale of satisfaction with your life in general and with your family life. — Relationships between parents when the interviewee was a child. Personal relationship with his mother and father in his childhood. — Perception of the degree to which their parents were strict during their childhood. — Qualities that he considers most important to instill in his children. — Phrase with which he agrees more about the respect of the children for the parents. — Phrase with which you agree more about the responsibility of the parents to the children. — Often with which, when you are at home, you feel: relaxed, nervous, happy, apathetic, safe and comfortable. — Marital status. To those who are married or living together as a couple: coincidence with your partner in your views regarding religion, morality, social customs, politics and sex. — Importance you would give to a son of yours and a daughter of yours: she married someone from another religion, lived as a couple without being married, married someone of another race, had an unmarried child, smoked marijuana, had homosexual relationships, and took hard drugs. — Degree of importance it attaches, to achieve the happiness of the couple to: faithfulness; adequate revenue; be of the same social level; mutual respect and affection; sharing religious beliefs; have a good home; share political positions; understanding and tolerance; not living with the political family; satisfactory sexual intercourse; share household chores; having children and having common tastes and interests. — According to the phrase ‘marriage is an old-fashioned institution’. — Values for which he would risk his life. — Often with which you think about the meaning of life. — Often with which he thinks of death. — Self-perception of their religiosity. If you consider yourself religious: feeling of comfort, strength or security in religion. — Phrase that comes closest to his way of thinking about the existence of one or several true religions. — Belief in: life after death, soul, devil, hell, heaven, God, sin and reincarnation. — Phrase that best expresses his beliefs about the existence of God. — Degree (scale) of importance of God in your life. — Opinion on the importance that the Spaniards will attach in the future to religion compared to what they grant today. — Opinion on whether the Catholic Church in Spain is today giving adequate answers to: the moral problems and needs of the individual; the problems of family life and the spiritual needs of man. — Opinion on the long-term influence of scientific and technological advances for humanity. — Personal preference for freedom or equality. — According to the phrase ‘The future is so uncertain that it is better to live a day’. TO THOSE WHO WORK: — Attitude you have when you return to work after the weekend. — Often with which you feel exploited in your work. — Perception (scale) of the degree of freedom you have to make decisions in your work. — Scale of satisfaction with your work. — Aspects that you value most in a job. — Scale of political ideology. — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections.
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