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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2457|BAROMETER OF MAY 2002 API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Elecciones, ECONOMÍA, Deporte y ocio, Mercado de trabajo y desempleo, Estudio Cuantitativo, Unión Europea
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most. — Ability of the interviewee to assess prices in euros to the same extent as before in pesetas. — Use of calculator to translate prices of euros to pesetas and frequency of its use. — Convenience in the use of the euro, compared to that of the peseta. — Feelings caused by the exchange of currency: increased European sentiment; less feeling of belonging to a nation. — Opinion on whether the implementation of the euro will be beneficial or harmful to Spain and the European Union. — Degree of agreement of the interviewee with phrases related to the meaning of the work. — Degree of agreement with sentences relating to unemployed persons and unemployment benefits. — Various assumptions before which the interviewee, if standing, would or would not accept a job. — Opinion on whether a greater willingness to change residence would give people more job opportunities. — Knowledge of the outcome of the presidential elections in France. Degree of concern about the results achieved in these elections by Le Pen’s party. — Probability that a match of the characteristics of Le Pen emerged in Spain. — Reasons why far-right parties in many European countries have made electoral gains. — Knowledge of news related to accounts in BBVA tax havens. Concern about the issue and opinion on whether it may have political implications. Trust in banks and savings banks as a result of this news. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections. — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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