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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2458|SOUNDING ON SPANISH YOUTH 2002 (SECOND WAVE) API!

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Juventud, Tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC), Internet, Inmigración
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Mobile phone holding. Frequency of use for: chat with friends, chat with family, send/receive messages, make arrangements, talk about work topics. — Person who usually pays the bill for the mobile phone. — Knowledge and use of the internet. — To those who use the internet: place of access, frequency of use, main reason for its use. Often you use the internet to: browsing, email, file transfer, chats, discussion forums, use of another computer. — Opinion on the extent to which violence is widespread in our society. — Degree to which he perceives violent behavior in: the family, work, school environment, in the leisure spaces and in the nearest environment (street, neighborhood). — Degree of importance of different factors on youth violence: alcohol or drug use, physical abuse, character, cultural level, environment, economic situation, media and immigration. — Reason why it would justify resorting to the use of violence. — Ill-treatment you have suffered: physical, sexual or psychological. Person who infringed them. — Frequency in which he has participated in different aggressions, abuses or other types of violence. — Opinion on the influence of immigration for recipient countries. Influence for Spain. If you think it’s inconvenient, which ones. — Assessment of the number of immigrants currently in Spain. — Nationalities or collectives to which the term associates when talking about foreign immigrants living in Spain. — Possession of immigrant friends in their circle of friends. Nationality. — According to different phrases about foreign workers in Spain who come from less developed countries. — Perception of the volume of foreign immigrants in your town or city. — Opinion on the treatment of foreign immigrants by Spaniards. I treat young Spaniards. — Opinion on whether Spaniards are racist. — Degree of approval of the action of groups that promote actions against immigrants and against ethnic minorities. — Opinion on the degree of acceptance that a political group of racist or xenophobic ideology would have in Spain. Ready to vote if it exists in Spain. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Situation of coexistence. — Economic dependence. — Religiosity. — Type of school in which you attended primary school: public, religious or private secular.
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