Dataset information
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Unión Europea, Violencia doméstica y violencia de género, Estudio Cuantitativo, Familia y formas de convivencia, Infancia, Mujer
Dataset description
— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most.
— Ability of the interviewee to assess prices in euros to the same extent as before in pesetas.
— Use of calculator to translate prices of euros to pesetas and frequency of its use.
— Convenience in the use of the euro, compared to that of the peseta.
— The extent to which domestic violence against men, women, children and the elderly is widespread in Spain.
— Often in Spanish families there are: physical assault or abuse of the partner, sexual abuse of the partner, assault or physical abuse of children, sexual abuse of children, assault and abuse of the elderly.
— Degree to which different causes influence domestic violence: alcohol abuse, drug use, poverty, television violence, unemployment, low cultural status, physical or sexual abuse, psychological or mental problems.
— Opinion on whether the increase in the volume of news about ill-treatment of women is due to the increase in violence against women or because more cases come to light.
— Evaluation of the degree of information that women have on how to act and exercise their rights with respect to this type of aggression.
— Evaluation of the usefulness of various measures to combat domestic violence against women: a toll-free telephone number for women seeking help, a card with emergency numbers, information leaflets, harsher laws, stricter enforcement of existing laws, laws against sexual discrimination, teaching police officers about women’s rights, public awareness campaigns, re-education and reintegration of perpetrators, teaching young people to respect each other.
— Personal knowledge of any case of ill-treatment of women. Denunciation of the fact.
— Evolution, in the last five years, of the ill-treatment of women, children and the elderly. Expectations about the evolution that the problem may have over the next five years.
— Willingness to report someone who habitually beats his wife, someone who abuses a child or someone who abuses an old man.
— Evolution of the Spanish economic situation, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Evaluation of the Spanish political situation, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Knowledge and scale of valuation of political leaders.
— Evaluation of the government management of the PP.
— Evaluation of the PSOE’s performance in the opposition.
— Knowledge and scale of valuation of the ministers who form the government.
— Degree of confidence inspired by the President of the Government, José Mª Aznar.
— Intention to vote in general elections.
— Scale of ideology of the interviewee.
— Vote recall in March 2000 general elections.
— Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections.
— Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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