Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Juventud, Estudio Cuantitativo, Mujer, Familia y formas de convivencia
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Place of habitual residence, type of coexistence. — If you are not independent: intent to do so, money you think you would need to become independent, and availability of that amount. — If you are independent: age at which he became independent and the main reason. — Situation of economic dependence of the interviewee. People who help you and source of your personal income. — Dependency of the family on the amount and distribution of expenditure. If you have any type of economic dependence, euros that you have weekly for the expenses in which it is independent. If it is completely independent, monthly euros that you have for your expenses. — Relationships with parents, degree of freedom you enjoy in the parents’ house (or enjoyed if you no longer live with them). — Assessment of the degree to which your father and mother are strict. — Frequently with which he talks at home of his parents of different subjects. Coincidence in opinions with those of parents. — How decisions that affect children are made at home. — Coincidence in the way you think with your parents. — Attitude you adopt when you have a personal problem: solve it alone or consult other people. — Characterisation of relationships with their parents. — Person who chooses the clothing you buy. — Distribution of domestic work in your home. — Perception of the time spent a week on carrying out different household tasks. — Type of ideal family (delivery of responsibilities in the couple). — Opinion on the existence of equal opportunities between young men and women. — Opinion on whether a working mother can have the same relationship of warmth and stability with her children. — Preference for man or woman as boss in their job. That’s right. — Degree of agreement with different phrases about work outside the woman’s home. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Marital status of the interviewee. — Religiosity of the interviewee. — Type of school (private or public) in which he attended primary school. — Characterisation of the employment situation and educational level of the interviewee.
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