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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Estudio Cuantitativo, Conflictos internacionales, Familia y formas de convivencia
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Main problems that exist in Spain. Problems that affect you the most personally. — Degree of satisfaction with your family life. — Frequency with which: talk to your family about personal issues, visit family members and celebrate marked dates. — Degree of agreement with different statements: it is preferable to resort to social services assistance rather than to the family when one can no longer rely alone; it is preferable to borrow money from a bank rather than from the family; the elders had to spend their savings on living well rather than leaving them in inheritance; it is preferable that children go to the nursery or take care of a girl at home rather than go to grandparents. — Family model that is closest to their ideal in terms of working outside the home of the couple and the distribution of household chores. — Degree of interest in monitoring the news about the conflict with Iraq. Degree of concern about this conflict, the extent to which it believes may affect Spain. — Opinion on whether Iraq poses a danger to international security. Existence of other countries posing a danger to global security. — Opinion on the existence of a relationship between Iraq and international terrorism. — Degree of compliance with UN resolutions that force Iraq to disarm. Opinion on whether or not Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. — Assessment of the attitude of the United States towards Iraq. — Assessment of the position of the Spanish Government and the opposition in the Iraq crisis. — Degree of agreement with military intervention in Iraq. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 2000 general elections. — Vote fidelity in March 2000 general elections. — Electoral volatility in general elections in March 2000.
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