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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2510|SOUNDING ON SPANISH YOUTH 2003 (SECOND WAVE) API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Estudio Cuantitativo, Inmigración, Delincuencia y seguridad ciudadana, Tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC), Violencia doméstica y violencia de género, Internet, Juventud
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Possession and use of mobile phone. Often you use it to chat with friends and family, send or receive messages, connect to the internet, make arrangements, play and other services (box, etc.). — Mobile phone payment formula. Average monthly expense and person who usually pays the bill. — Internet usage. Places from which it connects. If you connect in a private home: type of connection. — Average weekly internet connection time. — Frequency with which you connect to the Internet to browse, use email, transfer files, enter chats or the like, in forums, use another computer (telnet) or other uses. Activities for which you use the Internet. — Opinion on whether violence is widespread in our society. — Perception of the degree of violence that exists in the different areas in which it occurs. — Degree of influence of different factors on youth violence. — Reason why it would justify the use of violence. — Often with which he has been the victim of aggression, abuse or other violence. Frequently with which he has participated in various violent acts. — Attitude towards immigration. Main inconvenience that sees immigration, if any. — Perception about the volume of immigrants in Spain and in their neighborhood, town or city. — Collective that associates foreign immigration in Spain. — Possession of immigrant friends, nationality. — Agreement with phrases about immigration and the labour market, crime and the development of the welfare state. — Opinion on the treatment given by Spaniards, in general, and young people to immigrants. Tolerance of immigrants in both cases. — Opinion on whether Spaniards are racist. — Approval of groups that promote actions against immigrants and ethnic minorities. — Opinion on whether a political group of racist or xenophobic ideology would be accepted in Spain. Ready to vote on you if you exist. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Marital status. Situation of coexistence. Economic independence. — Religiosity. — Type of school in which he attended primary school. Situation of studies and employment.
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