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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Internet, Actitudes hacia países, Medios de comunicación, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Países iberoamericanos, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the personal and family economic situation, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Comparison with the life their parents had and the life their children will have. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of democracy. — Degree of satisfaction with your life. — Degree of trust in others. — Degree of trust in different institutions: the Church; the Judiciary; political parties; television; the Armed Forces; the Parliament and the Police. — Discharge of the Government headed by President José Mª Aznar. — Degree of knowledge of the political and social events of the country. — Opinion on the degree of freedom of expression that exists in Spain. — Frequency in the follow-up of news on television, newspapers and radio. Degree of attention he paid to political news. — Source in which you have more confidence to learn about political issues. — Opinion on the degree to which television, newspapers and radio report freely and objectively. — Values shared by Spaniards and Americans. — Institutions indispensable for the march of the country. — Existence of equality in access to television for all political parties and groups. — Degree of satisfaction with the objectivity of news in the media. — Opinion on the importance of voting to change things in the country. — Opinion on the current loss of confidence in politicians. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Degree of interest in politics. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Degree to which Spaniards: they comply with the laws, demand their rights, are aware of their obligations and are equal before the law. — Possession of internet access. Main use. — Family standard of living, ability to save. — Religiosity of the interviewee. Religious practice. — Age at which he finished his studies. — Domestic equipment at home.
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