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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2547|SOUNDING ON SPANISH YOUTH 2003 (4TH WAVE) API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Días festivos, Juventud, Ocio y aficiones, Estudio Cuantitativo, Salud, Sexualidad
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Free time activities that you like and practice regularly. — TV show that she likes best. — Weekly hours available for leisure. Sufficiency of that number of hours off. — Weekly money available for your leisure activities. — Frequently with which she goes out at night on weekends. Means of transport you use, activities you do and time at which you return home. Parental control and idea to which it associates the night out. — Knowledge and participation in the ‘Alternative Leisure Programs’. — State of health of the interviewee in the last year. Assistance to some medical service. — Weight and height of the interviewee. Self-perception of physical image. — Follow-up of some type of diet or diet. That’s right. Factor that most influences one’s own image. — Hygienic habits. He often showers, washes his head and brushes his teeth. — Number of hours you sleep a daily day and a holiday. — Physical status of the interviewee. Exercise you perform in your free time. — Possession of sexual intercourse. Age of first complete sexual intercourse, current frequency in sexual intercourse, condom use. — Knowledge and use of Youth Information Centers and their services. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Situation of coexistence or marital status. Situation of economic dependence. — Religiosity. — Type of school in which he attended private education.
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