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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Familia y formas de convivencia, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Main problems that exist in Spain. Problems that affect you the most personally. — Opinion on the traits of current Spanish society. — Preferred political regime. — Opinion on the degree of tolerance of Spaniards with regard to: premarital relationships, abortion, cohabitation, homosexuality and people of different ideology or religion. Comparison between Spanish and European tolerance to the same aspects in Spain. — Attitude to having as neighbors to: persons of different race (ethnicity); homosexuals; of different ideology or religion. — Importance you would give to a son of yours and a daughter of yours: married someone of another religion or other race (ethnicity), lived in a couple without being married, had an unmarried child, had homosexual relationships. — Attitude towards the increase of couples who live together without marriage, couples who decide not to have children, unmarried couples or single women with children, divorces and people who live alone. — Opinion on the content of the Law on Unmarried Couples. Rights that could be granted to partners in fact. — Rights of marriages that could be granted to unmarried couples: entitlement to the vuidaded pension; right to inherit and adopt. — Knowledge of whether any autonomous community has approved the Law on de facto couples. — In the community of residence is approved the Law on couple de facto or similar. — Opinion on whether gay couples should be recognised the same rights and obligations as heterosexual couples. — Opinion on whether gay couples should have the right to marry. — Degree of agreement with sentences on: the right of homosexual couples to adoption; the welfare of the child independent of the sexual orientation of the couple; the heterosexual or homosexual couple guarantees the well-being of the child. — Attitudes to homosexuality. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 2004 general elections. — Frequency of attendance at religious offices.
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