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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2580|SOUNDING ON SPANISH YOUTH 2004 (SECOND WAVE) API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Días festivos, Ocio y aficiones, Inmigración, Juventud, Alcohol, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Free time activities that you like and practice regularly. — TV show that she likes best. — Weekly hours available for leisure. Sufficiency of that number of hours off. — Weekly money available for your leisure activities. — Frequently with which she goes out at night on weekends. Means of transport you use, activities you do and time at which you return home. Parental control and idea to which it associates the night out. — Habit of consuming alcohol. Age at which he started drinking. To those who drink today: consumption in the last week, day you drink the most and places where you consumed alcohol. — Nationalities or collectives to which the term associates when talking about foreign immigrants living in Spain. — Opinion on the influence of immigration for Spain. Main advantages or disadvantages of immigration. — Perception of the volume of foreign immigrants in Spain and in their town or city. — Possession of immigrant friends in their circle of friends. Nationality. — According to different phrases about foreign workers in Spain who come from less developed countries: immigrants do jobs that Spaniards do not want, accept lower wages, take jobs from Spaniards,... — Opinion on the treatment of foreign immigrants by Spaniards. I treat young Spaniards. Tolerance in both cases. — Opinion on whether Spaniards are racist. — Approval of the action of groups that promote actions against immigrants and against ethnic minorities. — Opinion on the degree of acceptance that a political group of racist or xenophobic ideology would have in Spain. Ready to vote if it exists in Spain. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Civil status of the interviewee or situation of coexistence. — Home where he resides most of the year. — Personal situation of dependence or economic independence.
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