Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Partidos y líderes políticos, Medios de comunicación, Cultura política, Estudio Cuantitativo, Participación social y asociacionismo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Interest in politics. — Degree of interest in the activities they carry out: its City Council, its autonomous community, the Congress of Deputies and the Government of the Nation. The extent to which it is affected by decisions taken in these areas. — Participation and associationism. — Forms of social vindication in which he has participated in the last year. — Agreement with phrases on citizen participation in political decisions. Forms of citizen intervention that you know and in which you have participated. Effects that would have a greater participation of citizens in political decisions. — Importance of voting in the actions of the Government and the political opposition. — Reasons for your voting decision. — Agreement with phrases on the fulfillment of electoral promises. — Degree of trust in others. — Scale of trust in institutions. — Degree of satisfaction with democracy. — Degree of agreement with different policy proposals. — Attitude towards extending the right to vote in municipal elections to all foreigners. — Degree of agreement with different phrases on the role of political parties. — Degree of agreement on the organisation, internal debate and representativeness of political parties. — Opinions on the vote of deputies, party guidelines and internal debates. — Reasons why candidates for MEP are presented to Members. — Having personal contact with a member of your constituency or party you voted for. — Degree of satisfaction with the work carried out by Members. Importance of the tasks they perform. Opinion on who Members represent and influence from different groups on their political decisions. — Agreement with phrases on parliamentary composion and representation. — Opinion on the relations between the deputies of different parties in the activities in the Congress. — Frequency in the monitoring of political news in different media. Media that it uses to learn about the activities that are carried out in its City Council, in its autonomous community, Congress and National Government. — Degree of agreement that the media represent the interests of: its audience, advertisers, politicians, journalists, the company that owns the media. — Opinion on the functions performed by the media. — Remembrance of voting in general elections in 2004. Time of voting decision or reasons why he preferred not to vote. Voting decision that he would have taken to know in advance the election results. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Scale of political ideology applied to political parties. — Proximity to political parties.
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