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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

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Deportes, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Interest in sport. — Practice sports today. Reasons why you play sports. Facilities that you usually use. Time of year when you practice more sport. Frequency of sports practice. — Type of competitions in which he participates. — Sports you practice: sport and frequency with which you practice them. — Possession of a federal license. To those who currently practice sports: — With whom you practice sport: on your own, as an activity of your school or work, as a club activity, association, etc. or other modality. — The people with whom you usually practice it are: alone, friends, study or work colleagues, family members, sometimes just others accompanied. — Practice physical activities of adventure in nature. Natural environment in which you practice them. Those who have practiced sports but do not currently practice: — Years during which he was playing sports. — Perspective of re-practicing sport. — Main reasons to have abandoned sports practice. To those who have never played sports: — Main reasons for not playing sports. — Usual practice of walking or walking quickly to maintain or improve your physical shape. Often it usually does. — Self-perception about your current physical form. — Importance on various goals or values in life: traveling a lot, having a lot of friends, being rich, having a good job, succeeding in life,... — Membership, current or past, to a club or sports association. To which they currently belong: reasons why you have become a member. Degree of participation of the club or association. To those who no longer belong: if you have previously belonged to any association and club, and reasons why you abandoned it. To those who have never belonged: desire to belong to a club or reason why you do not want to belong to any. — Opinion on whether the increase in popular sports competitions indicates a fashion or a greater fondness of sport. — Participation in a sport competition for all, intention to re-participate or reason why you have not participated. — Assessment of these popular sports practices. — Comparison of different types of sports practices (professional sports, non-professional federation and popular), which: it has greater development in Spain, receives more official support, is more interested in you and which should be supported more. — Where you would go in case you had to do a management to improve the sports service in your community. — Agreement with different phrases about what sport is. A phrase that comes closest to your own opinion on what sport is. — Importance that sport and physical education should have in Spain. He believes that importance is given to it today. — Opinion on the sufficiency of sports practice in Spain. Reasons why he thinks not enough sport is done in Spain. — Opinion on whether they should fall into the category of practical sports such as maintenance gymnastics, aerobics, body expression, etc. — Activities in which he spends his free time. Often with which you do them and activities that you would like to be able to do. — Existence in its surroundings of sports facilities: installation, if it is public or private and real use of them by the interviewee or family members. — Inauguration in the last five years of a sports facility in your neighborhood or town. — Evaluation of the sufficiency of sports facilities in your neighborhood, neighborhood or town. — Type of sports facility that would have to be built in its surroundings in the coming years. — Agreement with different opinions on the use of municipal sports facilities. — In agreement with the creation of public sports spaces in rural areas of low profitability to encourage the practice of physical and sports activities in open spaces. — Own or family use of the sports services and activities offered by the City of your locality. Activities it performs. — Activities that, from their perspective, should primarily promote municipal services. — Frequency with which you attend sports shows. Sports he has attended in the last year paying the ticket. — Membership, as shareholder or paying partner, to a sports club that has a team competing in professional league. — Frequency of hearing of sports broadcasts on television. — Personal preference for watching the sport as a spectator live or on television. — Dissemination of the use of prohibited stimulant products and their assessment as a social problem. — Use by the interviewee of medicines or dietary supplements intended to improve physical or sports activity. — Aspects that he likes most of the sport. Aspects he likes the least. — Frequently with which you read the newspapers in general and the sports press. — Frequently reads illustrated magazines and sports magazines. — Desire to have a child who did high competition sport or professional sport. — Sports practice of the father and mother of the interviewee. — Possession in your home of different sporting goods. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Physical activity you perform in your workplace. — Place of birth of the interviewee.
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