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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2600|HEALTH BAROMETER 2005 (FIRST WAVE) API!

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Salud, Administración y servicios públicos, Sistema sanitario
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Area considered to be of greatest interest to citizens: defense, education, health, housing, pensions, transport, citizen security or social services. — Opinion on the Spanish health system. — Evolution of demand and health supply in the last ten years. Areas where supply should be increased. — Adequacy of money earmarked for health expenditure. — Fairer form of public health funding. — Degree of agreement with the freedom of choice of doctor and specialist in public health. — Scale of satisfaction with the functioning of the Spanish health system. — Need for healthcare outside the autonomous community of residence and type of identification document. — Assistance to the doctor of general medicine or pediatrics and type of medical service, public or private, that you have used. — Consultations with the GP in the last year. Number of times. — Assessment of the care received in general medicine and comparison with the expected care. — Scale of satisfaction with various aspects of the care received in public health in the consultation of general medicine/pediatrics, in specialised care and in hospitals. — Assistance to the emergency department in the last year, number of visits and type of service ultilised. Primary cause for going to an emergency department of a public hospital and reason to choose a hospital. — Speed and evaluation of the care received in emergencies. — Assistance to the specialist doctor in the last year, number of visits and type of service ultilised. Time until consultation. — Evaluation of the care received in the consultation of the specialist in public health and comparison with the expected care. Specialty he went to. — Admission to Hospital in the last year and type of Hospital, public or private. — In case of hospitalisation in a public hospital in the last year: main cause of admission and assignment during the hospital stay of a responsible doctor. — Information on the time it would take to enter for operation. — Evaluation of the care received in public hospital and comparison with the expected care. — Scale of assessment of the information provided by public health services. — Opinion on whether the health authorities are carrying out measures to improve waiting lists and on the evolution of waiting lists in the last year. — Need for medicines outside the autonomous community of origin and problems to achieve them. — Knowledge about what ‘generic medicines’ are. Attitude that you would adopt in the event that your doctor prescribes a generic medication. — Opinion on equal health care for all citizens irrespective of: the autonomous community of residence, the age, the area (rural or urban) in which you reside and the social level. — Comparison of the health services you receive in the Community of residence with others. — Comparison between the health service provided by the Community or the State. — Opinion on the desirability of the autonomous communities agreeing to provide new health services. — Nationality of the interviewee.
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