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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Administración y servicios públicos, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Year and form of entry into the public administration. Motivations to enter the Administration. — Opinions about the work in the Administration and in the private company. — Adaptation of the level of studies achieved, to that required in the body in which the interviewee is integrated. — Form of job provision. — Satisfaction with work. Reason for dissatisfaction. — Utility of the work he does and responsibility for him. Evaluation of the work carried out by the superiors. — No. of officials in the general administration after the process of transfer of powers. Groups where there is mismatch. — The administrative career: possibilities, elements to develop it, criteria for promotion, establishment of different administrative careers. — Remuneration system: evaluation of the system and reason of dissatisfaction, evaluation of the remuneration according to the work carried out, assessment in relation to the category and not the complement, assessment in relation to performance and quality of work. — Ideal retirement age in the public administration and for the interviewee. — According to the consequences of having a high average age among civil servants: it hinders the process of change in administration, and positively influences the development of work. — Agreement with a plan of early retirements in the public administration. He is likely to be welcomed by older officials. — Full salary percentage to be guaranteed in a possible early retirement. — Opinions on the final objectives of the work done and what they should be. — Assessment of the guidelines that are received for the performance of the work. — Agreement on the use of new technologies in the public administration: lack of adaptation to new technologies, operation has improved, underutilisation of equipment, lack of adaptation. — Level of technological equipment in the workplace. Improvement of work by increasing the use of new technologies. — More important factor in the effective use of new technologies in public administration. — Adaptation to new technologies is essential for the reorganisation of the public administration. — Assessment of the performance of those who play head offices in the Administration and the environment among colleagues. — Evaluation of the system for the selection of officials. Reasons for the negative assessment. — Opinions on the measures to be taken to improve the functioning of the public administration. Reasons that prevent the improvement of public administration. — Agreement on the relationship between the Government and civil servants. — Purchase of officials of the general administration and the autonics: efficiency, preparation, service to the citizen, remuneration,... — Plans to modernise the Administration: knowledge, sources of information and valuation. — Scale of political ideology.
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