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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2607|BAROMETER OF MAY 2005 API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
VIDA COTIDIANA, Ocio y aficiones, Deporte y ocio, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Assessment of the current and prospective economic situation in Spain. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective. — Main problems existing in Spain. — Importance it attaches to work, family, politics, money, leisure, health, friends and religion. — Degree of satisfaction with different aspects of your life. — Satisfaction with the time you have the working days and weekends to carry out different activities. — Number of hours you usually sleep on working days and weekends. — Time when he usually gets up, eats and dinners on a working day. — Preference for European meal times. — Attitude to the current system of limitation of hours and opening of shops. — Perceptions about the working day. — Importance it attaches to different aspects of a job. — Main advantage of working from a different place to the workplace. — Current situation of coexistence. Ages of the children currently living with the interviewee. — Current problems in Spain that affect you most personally. — Main objectives to be set in Spain in the next 10 years. — Scale of political ideology. — Remembrance of vote in the general elections of March 2004. — Type of working day, schedule and hours you work a week. — Satisfaction with the working day you have today. — Extension of the working day: reasons, frequency, remuneration and satisfaction with it. Difficulty for interviewees to combine their work with different activities of home and family care and carrying out procedures. — Time it takes to travel from home to work. — Means of transport that you use to get to work. — Type of employment contract. Preference for having a part-time and working-time contract. — Possession of domestic service at home.
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