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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Elecciones Municipales 2007, Elecciones Autonómicas en la Comunidad de Madrid, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Assessment of the economic and political situation of the Community of Madrid at present. — Main problems that currently exist in the Community of Madrid. — Opinion on the policy of the Madrid Government regarding its work on various issues: education, health, housing, unemployment, citizen insecurity and immigration. — Four-year retrospective assessment of the management of the Autonomous Government of the Community of Madrid and the management of the Spanish Government. — Degree of interest in the monitoring of the electoral campaign of the regional elections of May 27. — Influence of the electoral campaign on the knowledge of: the programs and proposals of each party, the candidates, the differences between parties and others and on the voting decision. — Evaluation of the electoral campaign they have carried out: PSOE, PP and IU. — Electoral participation in the regional elections of the Community of Madrid in 2007. — Those who preferred not to vote in the regional elections of May 27: reasons why he did not vote and timing of the decision not to vote. — To those who could not go to vote or went but could not vote: which is why he couldn't vote. — To those who voted in the regional elections: the time of the vote decision, remembrance of the vote and the main reason for voting that option. — Decision to vote (he doubted between two parties or between a party and abstention). And matches between which I doubted. — Issues, regional or national, that most influenced its decision to vote in regional elections of the Community of Madrid in 2007. — Differentiated vote to parties depending on the type of call. — Assessment of the final results of the regional elections. — Remembrance of vote in the general elections of March 2004. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of political leaders of the Community of Madrid and national. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee and political parties: PSOE, PP and IU. — Proximity to political parties of the Community of Madrid: PSOE, PP and IU. — Vote memory in the last regional elections of 2003. — Electoral participation in the municipal elections in the Community of Madrid in 2007 (differentiating the city of Madrid and the rest of the Community). — To those who voted in the municipal elections of the city of Madrid: the time of the vote decision, remembrance of the vote and the main reason for voting that option. Assessment of final results. Knowledge and scale of valuation of political leaders of the city of Madrid. — To those who voted in municipal elections outside the city of Madrid: time of vote decision and remembrance of vote. — Place of birth (Spain). For those born in Spain: autonomous community of birth. For those born outside Spain: country of birth, nationality of possession, and year since you have Spanish nationality. — Religious practice.
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