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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Religión
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Dataset description

— Scale of importance that gives in your life to different aspects of it: health, family, friends, politics, religion, economic well-being and work. — Ideals for which life would risk: country, another person, democracy,... — Influence that a number of facts have on their important decisions: the opinion of people, friends, religious beliefs and political convictions. — Belief in God, in life after death, in heaven, in hell, in the soul, in sin or in reincarnation. — Center where he practices his religion. Religious practice at home or association. Different place of religious practice. — Frequency of attendance at the place of religious practice and assessment of the importance of a number of reasons to attend the place of religious practice: place where I can develop faith, place of encounter with compatriots,... — Current frequency of prayer and personal meditation. — Preferred cohabitation situation: religious, civil marriage,... — Qualities that parents should instill in children. — Often with which religion is spoken at home. — Preference over attendance at religion class of the children in the event that they have them. It’s a reason. — Kind of center that I would prefer a child to attend. Reasons for choosing a religious center. — Importance of different reasons why a child is preferred to attend a religious center. — Phrase with which you agree most about teaching religion in school: religious beliefs are necessary, it is important for education,... — Agreement with phrases about the current importance of religion. The degree of importance that religion has in the education of children. — Agreement with different statements about the financing of schools. — State-Church competences in the selection of religious teachers. — Opinion of foreigners that in schools there are teachers of their religion, current number of teachers and competences in the selection of teachers of their religion. — Opinion on the veracity of religion. — Right to exercise other religious practices. — Religious groups that you would not like to have as neighbors: Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists,... — Acceptance of the use of religious symbols or characters for humorous purposes in the media. — Acceptance of a series of phrases about homosexuals, contraceptives and divorce. — Agreement with euthanasia, suicide, abortion and artificial fertilisation. — Trust in institutions: Parliament, Catholic Church, Army,... — Preference of treatment of the subject of religions by the Constitution. — Financing of religions. — Influence of the Catholic Church in Spain. — Positioning against different positions of the Catholic Church: divorce, abortion, euthanasia, adoption by homosexual couples,... — Assessment of different international characters: Benedict XVI, John Paul II, Einstein, Bin Laden, Bush, Mohammed, Marx and Jesus Christ. — Respect of Spanish society for religions in different areas: school, work,... — Opinion on class attendance of Muslim girls with veils. — Agreement with phrases about the influence of religious authorities on political life. — Agreement with different phrases about the meaning of life and influence of people to change it: God cares about every human being, people cannot change the course of their lives,... — Nationality of the interviewee and country of origin. Time of residence in Spain (arrival year) — Religious practice of foreigners in their country of origin and in Spain. — Proximity to political parties. — Ideological self-location scale (1-10). — Marital status of the interviewee. — Type of marriage. THE HEAD OF THE CENTRE: — Role of the interviewee in the religious center. — Activities carried out in the religious center. — Existence of a religious authority at the center and way of designating it. — Number of members of the religious center. Percentage by gender and of partners with active participation in the religious center. — Religious confession of non-Evangelical or Muslim centers.
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