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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Constitución e instituciones, Estudio Cuantitativo, Estado
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Dataset description

— Nationality of the interviewee. — Interest in politics. — Frequently with which there was talk of politics, the Spanish Civil War and Francoism in the home during childhood/adolescents. — Frequency of monitoring of the policy through various media. — Most significant historical event in Spain (last 100 years) and most important for Spain. Reason for the importance. — Feelings towards the Spanish Civil War and Francoism. — Identification with the parties participating in the Spanish Civil War. — I remember family sympathy for some side of the Spanish Civil War. — Place where the paternal and maternal family lived during the Spanish Civil War: it’s a province. — Size of place where the paternal and maternal family resided during the Spanish Civil War. — Situation of the interviewee and a family member as a result of the Spanish Civil War. Party responsible for the situation of the interviewee and the family member. Situation of the interviewee and some family member as a result of his political ideas in Francoism. — Party responsible for higher mortality during the Spanish Civil War. — According to different phrases about the Second Republic and the Spanish Civil War, and Francoism: the memory of the Civil War is still alive, the Second Republic was responsible for the Civil War, the victims of the dictatorship have not obtained the recognition they deserve, during Francoism there was more order and peace than now,... — Responsible for the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. — Solution to the victims of the Spanish Civil War who continue in mass graves. Responsible for the transfer to the cemetery of the victims. — Agreement with different phrases about the victims of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism. — Reason not to prosecute those responsible for the violation of human rights during Francoism. — Knowledge of the approval of the Law of Historical Memory. Assessment of the Law and its need, group to which it is addressed. — Support for the creation of an independent Commission of Inquiry to clarify the violation of human rights during the Spanish Civil War and Francoism. — According to different sentences about trials and victims in the Spanish Civil War and Francoism: democracy should annul the political trials that took place under Francoism, there should be some monument dedicated to all the victims of the Civil War,... — Attention paid to the Spanish Civil War and Francoism during primary or secondary education. — Degree to which he has feared a civil war during the democratic period and moment when he felt it. — Feeling of pride in the process of transition to democracy. Reason to be proud. — Preferred political regime. — Priority objectives of any government. — According to different phrases on political parties and politics: political parties only serve to divide people, parties are necessary, it is better not to get into politics, politics only generates conflicts,... — Participation in different forms of social and political action: write to the media, contact public officials, participate in a strike or demonstration and sign a petition or manifesto. — Knowledge of the President of the Congeso deputies, of the year in which the Spanish Constitution was approved and of the composition of the PSOE Government between 2004-2008. — Participation and remembrance of votes in general elections in March 2008 and in the last regional elections. — Political party that I would never vote for. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee, the couple, the father and the mother. — Scale of nationalism of Catalonia and Basque Country of the interviewee, the couple, the father and the mother. — Degree of pride of being Spanish. — Occupation of the father at the age of 14 of the interviewee. — Place where you have resided the most time in your childhood/adolescence: it’s a province. — Degree of discomfort during the interview. — Cohabitation as a couple of the interviewee. — Scale of assessment of religion in the life of the interviewee. — Religious practice.
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