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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Administración y servicios públicos, CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, Estudio Cuantitativo, Internet
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Nationality of the interviewee. Time of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer. Sex and age of the non-Spanish interviewee. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most. — Image of the functioning of public administrations in Spain and its evolution in the last 10 years. — Difficulty in carrying out procedures in the offices of the public administration and causes of the difficulty. — Knowledge of the procedures or procedures that can be carried out via the internet with the public administration. — Preferred means of contacting the public administration. — Advantage and inconvenience when carrying out via Internet procedures with the public administration. — Utility of the public administration’s offer of services via the internet: information on how to carry out procedures, information about vacancies or waiting lists, obtain foemularios, consult personal data,... — Preferred means to search for information on procedures with the public administration and preferred website to search for such information. — Preferred means to make arrangements with the general administration of the State, with the regional and local authorities. — Means used to make arrangements with the public administration in the last 12 months. Internet use to make arrangements with the public administration more than 1 year ago. Reason not to use the internet to make such arrangements. Probability of using the internet to carry out such procedures. — Body of the public administration with which it carried out the procedures via the internet and reason for such contact. Result and ease of searching for information via the internet in a public administration body. Result and ease of management/quote via internet. Reason of the difficulty of the management/quote via the internet. — Satisfaction with the use of the internet in contact with a public administration body. — Knowledge of the new format of the electronic ID card and the procedures it allows to carry out. Reason for the new format and its possession. — Use of the new electronic ID to make arrangements with the public administration and procedures in which it has been used. — Internet usage in the last twelve months. Places of connection. Regular activities for which you have used the internet. — Free time available in one working day. — Difficulty to combine the main activity and household tasks and problems, and procedures and procedures. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Voter turnout and recall in March 2008 general elections. — Religious practice. — Domestic equipment (entertainment and communication).
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