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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2824|DECEMBER 2009 BAROMETER API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Ocio y aficiones, Estudio Cuantitativo, Navidad
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Nationality of the interviewee. Time of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer. Sex and age of the non-Spanish interviewee. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current and prospective to one year. — Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most. — Importance (0-10) of various aspects of personal life: work, family, politics, economic well-being, health, friends, free time and religion. — Satisfaction with personal life. — Aspects of personal life that produce greater satisfaction today. — Character of Christmas parties. — Feelings and behaviors provoked by Christmas. — Maintenance of Christmas traditions: Bethlehem or Christmas tree. — Various activities that take place at Christmas: make donations, go to mass of the rooster and visit relatives. — Company and place where you celebrate Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. — Existence of children under 14 years of age in the celebration of Christmas. — Party at which Christmas gifts are delivered: Christmas or Kings. — Travel at Christmas away from habitual residence for non-working reasons. Reason for the displacement. — Participation in the extraordinary Christmas lottery. Amount of expense, people with whom you will play and frequency. — Frequency with which he usually plays the national lottery outside of the extraordinary Christmas draw. Reason why you don't play the national lottery. — Frequency of participation in lottery and other games of chance: primitive lottery, Eleven coupon, quiniela, bingo, slot machines,... — Scale of ideology of the interviewee. — Voter turnout and recall in March 2008 general elections. — Religious practice. — Possession of children and ages of the children. — Situation of coexistence.
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