Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Estudio Cuantitativo, CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, Tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC), Internet, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Juventud
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Degree of concern with phrases related to communication and information technology. — Opinion on the consequences of the use of new technologies such as Internet, mobile, etc. — Internet usage in the last three months. — Reason not to use the Internet. — Internet access frequency. — Age of beginning in the use of the Internet. — Internet connection places. — Computers through which you connect to the Internet. — Usual activities for which you use the Internet. — Influence of the Internet in the time spent on different activities. — Access to social networks on the Internet. Main social networks that are used. — Frequency of use of social networks and connection time. — Reasons to connect to social networks on the Internet. — Number of contacts in social networks and number of contacts with a consolidated friendship relationship. — Probability of meeting someone known through the Internet. — Request for help to father or mother for problems arising on the Internet and situation in which he has needed help or advice. — Request for help from the father/mother on the Internet. — Importance of the Internet in current information. — Internet connection frequency for political information. — Visit the website of political parties or candidates. — Subscription to current political newsletters through the Internet. — Receiving emails of political content. — Political activities carried out through the Internet. — Reception of political information without expressly seeking it. — Predisposition to use new technologies to vote without having to travel to the polling station. — Disadvantages in the voting system through the Internet. — Receiving mobile messages (SMS) with information about manifestations. — Degree of agreement with a series of opinions about social networks on the Internet. — Use of social networks by the father/mother and social networks used mainly. — Ideological self-location scale. Scale of ideological location of father and mother. — Voter turnout and recall in March 2008 general elections. — Cohabitation as a couple of the interviewee. — Place of habitual residence of the interviewee. — Change of residence throughout life. — Origin of the income of the interviewee. — Type of school in which the interviewee attended primary school. — Age at which he finished studying. — Nationality of the interviewee. Time of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer.
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