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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

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VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Cultura política, Estudio Cuantitativo, Juventud
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Main problems of young people that currently exist in Spain and problems that personally affect the youth more. — Interest in various topics. — Degree of interest in politics. — Frequent talk of home politics during childhood/adolescence. — Feelings towards politics. — Frequently with which we talk about politics with different people from the nearby social environment. — Phrase about the society in which we live with which he agrees most. — Preferred political regime. — Confidence scale (0-10) in institutions. — Scale of assessment (0-10) of the functioning of democracy in Spain. — Institutions with more power in Spain (2) (ordinary). — Frequently with which you follow political news in the media. — Degree of importance of the Internet to be informed. — Visit the website of political parties or candidates. — Receiving emails of political content. — Degree of agreement with a series of opinions about social networks on the Internet. — People who have influenced the political thinking of the interviewee. — Positioning against participation in different forms of social and political action. — Degree of interest in the mobilisations of 15M. — Feelings inspired by the 15-M movement, participation in demonstrations and assemblies of the movement. — Distribution of movement information 15M. — Opinion on the continuity of movement and form of continuity of the 15M movement. — Attitude towards the electoral vote. — Agreement with different opinions on voting in elections. — Predisposition to use new technologies to vote without having to travel to the polling station. — Disadvantages in the voting system through the Internet. — Political party for which there is more sympathy in the general elections of 2011 and the one that best defends the interests of young people. — Degree of agreement with the legalisation of soft drugs and prohibition of video surveillance. — Self-definition of their political ideology. — Scale of ideological self-location (1-10) of the interviewee, of the father and mother. — Electoral turnout in the 2011 general elections. — Age of father and mother. — Place of habitual residence of the interviewee and change of residence throughout life. — Origin of the income of the interviewee. — Religiosity of the interviewee. — Type of school in which the interviewee attended primary school. — Age at which he finished studying. — Nationality of the interviewee. Time of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer.
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