Dataset information
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Estudio Cuantitativo, Administración y servicios públicos, EDUCACIÓN
Dataset description
— Nationality of the interviewee
— Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most.
— Assessment of the situation of teaching in Spain. Reason to assess it negatively.
— Retrospective assessment of the functioning of teaching (10 years).
— Elements to improve teaching: demand a higher level of knowledge, improve working conditions and teacher training, incentives for good students,...
— Type of teaching, private or public, that works best.
— Characteristics that define public or private education: efficiency, recognition of merits, transmitting knowledge, demanding with students,...
— Importance of various aspects in the success of the studies: striving and studying, being smart, having family support, choosing a private school,...
— Satisfaction with the functioning of different levels of education: children’s schools, teaching in public and private schools, vocational training,...
— Educational services that need to be improved. Aspect that he needs to improve.
— Type of center desired for the different levels that the children would study: early childhood, primary, secondary and university education.
— Principally responsible (different territorial areas) for the provision of education.
— Assessment of what the state, the autonomous community, Spanish households and the interviewee’s home spends on education.
— Retrospective assessment of the expenditure of Spanish administration and households on education (10 years).
— Scale of achievement of objectives at the end of compulsory education: speak and argue correctly, favorable attitude towards reading, positive attitude towards science,...
— Scale of ideology of the interviewee.
— Voter turnout and recall in 2011 general elections.
— Possession of children. Ongoing studies and type of school in which children study.
— Religious practice.
— Current and prospective assessment of the personal economic situation.
— Probability of losing or finding current employment in the next 12 months.
— Moment of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer.
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