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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, Internet, Administración y servicios públicos
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Nationality of the interviewee. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most. — Image of the functioning of public administrations in Spain. Retrospective valuation (10 years). — Difficulty in making arrangements with public administrations. — Person who resolves the procedures and arrangements with the public administrations. — Preferred means to make the arrangements with the public administrations. — Preferred website to search for information on arrangements with the public administration. — Assessment of the functioning of public administrations in various aspects. — Comparison of the functioning of the State Administration, Autonomous Community and City Council. — Confidence in various professions in the public sector. — Trust in officials. — Knowledge of the draft Law on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance, Valuation and most important measure of the Law. — Contact in the last year with the public administration personally. Body with which he made the arrangements personally. — Reason to personally contact a public administration body and degree of satisfaction. — Contact in the last year with the public administration through mail or fax. Degree of satisfaction. — Contact in the last year with the public administration through the telephone. Degree of satisfaction. — Contact on occasion with the public administration through the Internet. Help received to use the Internet. — Probability of using the Internet to make arrangements with the public administration. — Management activities with the public administration for which the Internet has been used (12 months). — Obtaining information through the Internet. Degree of ease of searching for information. Degree of satisfaction. — Reason for the little or no information obtained through the Internet Disadvantages of the use of the Internet to make arrangements with the public administration. — Presentation of a complaint or complaint for any action of the public administration. Answer obtained. — Satisfaction with the resolution on the complaint for some action by the public administration. — Reason not to file a complaint about any action of the public administration. — Knowledge of the electronic ID card. Use to make arrangements with the public administration through the Internet. — Ease of use electronic ID to make arrangements with the public administration through the Internet. — Scale of ideology of the interviewee and of various political parties. — Voter turnout and recall in 2011 general elections. — Religious practice. — Assessment of the personal economic situation and prospective valuation (1 year). — Probability of losing the current job in the next 12 months or finding it. — Moment of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee.
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