Dataset information
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Elecciones Autonómicas en Cataluña, Cultura política, Estudio Cuantitativo
Dataset description
— Evaluation of the economic and political situation in Catalonia.
— Four-year retrospective assessment of the economic and political situation in Catalonia.
— Most important problems in Catalonia today.
— Evaluation of the management carried out in the last two years by the Generalitat of Catalonia.
— Retrospective assessment of the performance as opposition by PSC, PP, ERC, ICV-EUiA, Ciutadans and SI.
— Evaluation of the management carried out in the last two years by Artur Mas.
— Approval of the policy carried out by the current Generalitat of Catalonia.
— Political party that best defends the interests of Catalonia, better represents the ideas of people like you, inspires you more confidence, is more united, has better leaders in Catalonia and that is better able to govern in Catalonia.
— Decision to go to vote in the next elections to the Parliament of Catalonia. Voting decision or parties among which he doubts. If you have decided not to vote: why you're not going to vote.
— Intention to vote for the Parliament of Catalonia in 2012.
— Political party for which you feel more sympathy in the regional elections (without filter).
— Affinity with political parties.
— Political party that would prefer to win the regional elections.
— Political party that believes it will win in the next regional elections on November 25.
— Preferred option for the Government of the Generalitat.
— According to different phrases about voting in regional elections:it is better to vote for a nationalist party, fidelity to a party and the important thing is the candidate.
— Probability of voting in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012 (0-10).
— Participation and remembrance of voting in regional elections to the Parliament of Catalonia of 2010.
— Knowledge and scale of assessment of political leaders in Catalonia: Joan Herrera, Oriol Junqueras, Alfons López Tena, Artur Mas, Pere Navarro, Albert Rivera, Alicia Sánchez Camacho
— Preferred candidate as President of the Generalitat.
— Preference between different alternatives of territorial organisation of the State in Spain.
— Scale of nationalist sentiment.
— Self-definition as a Catalan nationalist. Scale of nationalism of Catalonia of the person interviewed and of various political parties: CiU, PSC, PP, ERC, ICV-EUiA, C’s-Ciutadans and SI.
— Voter turnout and recall in 2011 general elections.
— Scale of ideology of the person interviewed and political parties CiU, PSC, PP, ERC, ICV-EUiA, C’s-Ciutadans and SI.
— Self-definition of their political ideology.
— Native language of the interviewee.
— Place of birth of the interviewee, the father and the mother.
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