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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

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CONFLICTOS Y PROBLEMAS SOCIALES, Estudio Cuantitativo, Mujer, Familia y formas de convivencia, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Violencia doméstica y violencia de género
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Opinion on the current situation of inequalities between men and women in Spain. — Assessment of the situation of women in Spain in the labour market, education and politics. — Degree of importance it attaches, to have a satisfactory life as a couple to: to love each other; satisfactory sexual intercourse; be of the same social level; have common tastes and interests; similar revenue; have the same cultural level; have the same ideology; share household chores; respect each other; having children; sharing religious beliefs; have adequate housing. — Preference of coexistence situation. — Acceptability of different couple situations: constant discussions; contempt; time control; isolate the couple; shouting, threatening; blows in anger; prevent the couple from studying/working; tell him what to do; denigrate the couple in front of the children; forcing him to have sex. — The extent to which domestic violence against men, women, children and the elderly is widespread in our country. — Acceptability of violence exercised by a man towards his partner or ex-partner. — Opinion on whether the increase in the volume of news about ill-treatment of women is due to the increase in violence against women or because more cases come to light. — Degree of agreement with phrases on violence against women: there are more aggressors among foreigners; women who suffer from them consent to being economically dependent; victims endure for children; aggressors usually have some mental illness; women who suffer or have been abused often have a low level of training; if women suffer abuse, it is because they consent to it. — Collective of women who believe they are more vulnerable to be victims of ill-treatment: over 65 years of age; residents in small municipalities/rural area; minors; women with some kind of disability; foreign women. — Legal acceptability of different forms of violence against women: physical, verbal, sexual abuse, threats, restriction of freedom. — Influence of different causes in the violence suffered by women: religious beliefs and practices, alcohol abuse, drug use, unemployment, violence in television films and series, poverty, low level of education, changes in responsibilities in the relationships of men and women, physical or sexual ill-treatment, psychological or mental problems and partner problems. — Personal knowledge of any case of ill-treatment of women. How many cases he knows and characterisation of the most recent case. — Attitude that he believes would adopt in the case of witnessing/knowing a situation of aggression against a woman by a man. — Measure that he believes most effective in helping women who are victims of ill-treatment by their partners or ex-partners. — Degree of agreement with different phrases on the work of the different administrations in the fight against gender-based violence: the different bodies must join forces to be more effective; victims receive better services when they are decentralised; public services should be coordinated to better serve victims; there are sufficient resources but there is a lack of coordination. — Knowledge of the Comprehensive Law against Gender Violence. Degree of effectiveness of the same. Reasons why he thinks that way. — Satisfaction with the existence of such legislation. — Opinion on awareness campaigns: they raise awareness among society and women victims. — Memory of campaigns to combat gender-based violence. — Opinion on whether I would know where to report a case of abuse. Where I'd go. — Knowledge of a telephone for general attention to victims. — Main reasons why he believes that there are women victims of violence who do not report their aggressor. — Degree of agreement with sentences on complaints of gender-based violence: some women file false complaints; some women do not report for fear of being accused of false reporting; there are women who withdraw the complaint but this does not mean that the complaint is false. — Degree of agreement with sentences on custody of minors in cases of violence: the abuser should be removed from custody in the event of a final judgment; that a man abuses his partner does not have to imply that he is a bad father; parents are above all entitled to custody; once the sentence is served, the parents should regain custody. — Opinion on whether an abuser father who is granted custody of the children uses it to manipulate them and put them against the mother. — Possession in the last year of a physical limitation due to disability or health problem that prevents you from doing regular activities. Holding a disability certificate of 33 % or more. — Scale of political ideology. — Voter turnout and recall in 2011 general elections. — Tenure of a stable relationship at present. Gender of the couple. — Possession of children. — Situation of coexistence and marital status. — Distribution of tasks at home, usually who: she does the laundry, makes small repairs at home, takes care of family members in the home, makes the purchase, does the cleaning and prepares meals. — Nationality of the person interviewed.
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