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Estudio Cuantitativo, Cultura política, Elecciones Autonómicas en Cataluña
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Evaluation of the economic and political situation of Catalonia and Spain today. — Retrospective assessment of the work being carried out by the current autonomous government of Catalonia (2 years) and political party that can best solve various problems in Catalonia: unemployment, citizen insecurity, housing, financing, health, Catalan language,... — Social problems that worry more personally. — Retrospective assessment of the management of the autonomous government of Catalonia (2 years) and the policy of the central government towards Catalonia. — Assessment of the work being carried out by the current central government in various matters (PP): unemployment, social policies, economy and self-government of Catalonia. — Assessment of central government management. — Interest in the electoral campaign of the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Usefulness of various aspects of the election campaign: learn about the programs, get to know the candidates, see the differences between the parties and decide the vote. — Issue most debated during the election campaign. Political party that presented a closer position on that issue. — Frequency in the monitoring of political and electoral information through the media. — Newspaper, television or radio network preferred for political and electoral information. — Internet usage in the last twelve months. Use of social media services on the Internet. Type of Internet pages that you consult in the follow-up of the election campaign. — Follow-up of the election campaign:he watched on television electoral propaganda, read pamphlets, letters, etc. — Follow-up of the debate on television between the candidates for the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. Political leaders who did better. — Knowledge of the results of any electoral polls during the campaign of the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Influence on the electorate and the interviewee of the surveys of the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Sense in which the results of the surveys influenced. — Regular electoral turnout in the regional elections of Catalonia and in the general elections — Frequently with which you have talked about the elections during the election campaign: with family, with friends, with neighbors and with colleagues at work or studies. — Contact with any party or coalition during the electoral campaign in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Vote decision in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Parties among which he hesitated in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Electoral participation in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Reasons for not going to vote or that prevented him from going to the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Moment of the decision not to vote in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Intention to vote in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012 of those who preferred not to vote and those who could not vote. — The time of the vote decision in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Vote memory in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2012. — Reasons to vote for a political party in the regional elections. — Decision regarding having known before the results of the regional elections. — Coalition alternative that prefers to form a government in Catalonia. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of national and regional political leaders: David Fernández, Joan Herrera, Oriol Junqueras, Artur Mas, Pere Navarro,... — Electoral participation and vote memory in the regional elections of Catalonia in 2010. — Proximity to political parties in Catalonia: CiU, ERC, PSC, PP, ICV-EUiA, C’s-Ciutadans and CUP. — Place of birth of the interviewee. Period of residence in Catalonia of the unborn in that community. — Level of knowledge of the Catalan language. — Self-definition as a Catalan nationalist. — Nationalist sentiment of Catalonia. — Preference between different alternatives of territorial organisation of the State in Spain. — Scale of nationalism of the interviewee and political parties of Catalonia. — Scale of ideological self-location and political parties in Catalonia. — Participation in different forms of social and political action: attend a demonstration, participate in a strike, occupy buildings,... — Types of association to which you belong. — Agreement with different phrases about politics: whoever is in power always seeks your interests, politicians care about people like you, and the interviewee is better informed than most people. — Voter turnout and vote recall in the 2011 general elections. — Situation of current coexistence of the interviewee. — Religious practice. — Assessment of the personal economic situation. — Change of situation in the workplace in the last four years. — Probability of losing or finding current employment in the next 12 months. — Participation of workers in the general strike of November 2012. Reason to participate or not in the November 2012 general strike. — Time of unemployment and benefit you receive. — Moment of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Time since nationalisation and nationality of origin.
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