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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Estudio Cuantitativo, Salud
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Nationality of the interviewee. — Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year. — Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most. — Definition of disabled or disabled. — Degree of discomfort in the presence of a person with different types of disability or disability (blindness, wheelchairs, lack of communication). — Opinion on how people in general feel in the presence of people with a disability or disability. — Accessibility of disabled persons to various places. — Accessibility of the village or city of residence of the person interviewed for the disabled. — According to phrases on the integration of the disabled or disabled. — Institution that must take care of the disabled or disabled. — Institution that must take care of the care of people with chronic diseases. — Adequacy of health and social services for the disabled or disabled. — Sufficiency of the benefits granted to the disabled or disabled. — Assessment of the evolution of care and support for the disabled or disabled (10 years). — Institutions responsible for improving the living conditions of the disabled or disabled. — Institutions that are more responsible for improving the living conditions of the disabled or disabled. — Knowledge of the interviewee of any person suffering from a disability or disability. — People who know the interviewee who suffers from a disability or disability. — Type of disability that the interviewee suffers. — Institution to which you have requested help or advice due to your disability. — Membership of an association related to the interviewee’s disability. — Type of disability that the known person suffers. — Institution to which the known person has requested help or advice due to his or her disability. — Belonging to an association related to the disability of the known person. — Knowledge of the interviewee of a person suffering from a chronic illness. — Ideological self-location scale (1-10). — Preference between different alternatives of territorial organisation of the State in Spain. — Nationalist sentiment. — Voter turnout and recall in the 2011 general election. — Religious religiosity and practice. — Assessment of the personal economic situation and prospective valuation (1 year). — Situation of coexistence. — Employment situation of the interviewee. — Probability of losing or finding current employment in the next 12 months. — Probability of losing or finding current employment in the next 12 months. — Occupation and branch of activity of the father and mother when the person interviewed was 16 years old. — Household income. — Moment of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the interviewee and attributed by the interviewer.
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