Dataset information
Available languages
VIDA COTIDIANA, Estudio Cuantitativo, Calidad de vida, Salud, Infancia, Relaciones interpersonales, Familia y formas de convivencia
Dataset description
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with personal life.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with different aspects of personal life.
— Ideal family concept.
— Preferences on the sharing of domestic responsibilities.
— Preference for the method of reconciling work and family life.
— Preferences of mode of care for children under 3 years of age when the father and mother work, for dependents and for the person interviewed.
— Availability of domestic service/paid home help, number of people and more important tasks they provide.
— Number of days and nights you have service/help at home (Monday to Friday).
— Reasons to have service/help at home.
— Sex of the main employee of the service or help at home.
— Internal or external character of the main employee of service or help at home.
— Number of hours worked on weekdays and weekends by the main employee of service or help at home.
— Country of origin of the main employee of service or help at home.
— Person who most influenced to hire the main employee of service or help at home.
— Relationship and labor cost of the main employee of service or help at home.
— Most important characteristics to choose substitute for the main employee of service or help at home.
— Size of home.
— Need and frequency of help to perform household chores or basic activities.
— Household composition: Sex, age, family relationship, employment status, need and frequency of assistance of the different members of the household, as well as temporary residents (at least 3 months a year) in the usual home.
— Attendance of a household member (dependent) to a day center, type of center, frequency, number of days and hours, monthly cost, and reasons in case of non-attendance.
— Receiving the person dependent on any help from the Public Administrations.
— Person/s who care for and care for the dependent person of the household (Monday to Friday), habitual residence and number of days and hours they dedicate.
— Possibility of turning to other people outside the home for care of the dependent person and what people they would be.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with the organisation of care of the dependent person and with different aspects of care.
— Provision of care to a dependent person residing outside the home (without remuneration), relationship relationship, number of days and hours spent, residence of that dependent person.
— Receiving some additional support/care the dependent person outside the home.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with different aspects of the care of the dependent person outside the home.
— Attendance at a child’s nursery/school (0-3 years old) and reasons why they attend or not.
— Type of childcare/school attended by the minor (0-3 years), frequency, number of days, hours, check-in/exit times and monthly cost.
— People who care for and care for the child (0-3 years) (from Monday to Friday), number of days and hours they dedicate to their care.
— Possibility of turning to other people outside the home for the care of the child (0-3 years old) and what those people are.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with the care of the child (0-3 years) and various aspects of that care.
— Caregiving to a child (0-3 years old) who resides outside the home (without remuneration), relationship relationship, number of days, hours, and type of care.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with different aspects of child care (0-3 years) outside the home.
— Type of school attended by the child (3-11 years), time of entry, frequency of use of the school canteen and school transport, departure time.
— Attendance at extracurricular activities in the minor’s school (3-11 years), frequency, number of days and time of departure.
— Monthly cost of the minor’s school (3-11 years old).
— Attendance at extracurricular activities of the child outside school (3-11 years), frequency and number of days.
— People who care for and care for the child (3-11 years) (from Monday to Friday), residence, number of days and hours.
— Possibility of turning to other people outside the home for the care of the child (3-11 years old) and what those people are.
— Satisfaction scale (3-10) with the care of the child (3-11 years) and various aspects of that care.
— Provision of care to a minor (3-11 years old) who resides outside the home (without remuneration), relationship relationship, number of days, hours, and type of care.
— Satisfaction scale (0-10) with different aspects of child care (3-11 years) outside the home.
— Person who is mainly responsible in the home to perform the household chores.
— Possession of domestic service during the infancy of the person interviewed.
— Ideological self-location scale (1-10).
— Religious religiosity and practice of the person interviewed.
— Voter turnout and recall in the 2011 general election.
— Marital status of the person interviewed.
— Kinship relationship with the head of family.
— Valuation of household income.
— Development in the past of some kind of paid work.
— Main reason why he stopped working.
— Weekly working day of the interviewee or head of household (hours).
— Type of employment contract.
— Main reason why he/she worked part-time.
— Paid work of the mother while the child was under 14 years old.
— Household and personal income.
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