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Estudio Cuantitativo, Elecciones Municipales 2015, Elecciones Autonómicas en La Rioja
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Dataset description

— Evaluation of the economic and political situation of La Rioja and Spain currently. — Retrospective assessment of the work being carried out by the current regional government of La Rioja (4 years): education, health, citizen security... — Retrospective assessment of the management of the regional government of La Rioja (4 years) and a possible management if the PSOE were governed. — Interest in the electoral campaign of the regional elections of La Rioja of 2015. — Usefulness of various aspects of the election campaign: learn about the programs, get to know the candidates, see the differences between the parties and decide the vote. — Frequency in the monitoring of political and electoral information through the media. — Use of the Internet (last 3 months), holding accounts in different social networks and type of Internet pages that you consult in the follow-up of the election campaign. — Frequently with which he has talked about the elections during the electoral campaign with the social environment (family, friends, colleagues) — Follow-up of the election campaign:he watched on television electoral propaganda, read pamphlets, letters, etc. — Knowledge of the results of polls/electoral polls during the election campaign, degree of influence and sense in which they influenced the elections. — Vote decision in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2015. — Parties among which he hesitated in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2015. — Electoral turnout in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2015. — Intention to vote in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2015 of those who could not or did not want to vote. — Reasons for not going to vote or that prevented him from going in the regional elections. Time of decision not to vote. — The time of the vote decision in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2015. I remember voting in the regional elections and reasons for voting for a political party. — Decision regarding having known before the results of the regional elections. — Coalition alternative that is preferred to form a government. — Problems that should be more important for the regional government of La Rioja. — Voter turnout and vote recall in the 2011 general elections. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of regional political leaders: Concha Andreu, Germán Cantabrana, Pedro Sanz, Diego Ubis. — Proximity to political parties in La Rioja: Pp, PSOE, Podemos, Citizens, IU, UPyD. — Electoral participation, moment of the vote decision and remembrance of vote in the 2015 municipal elections in La Rioja. — Agreement with different phrases about politics: whoever is in power always seeks your interests, through voting you can influence what happens in politics, politicians care about people like you, and the interviewee is better informed than most people. — Nationalist sentiment of La Rioja. — Preference between different alternatives of territorial organisation of the State in Spain. — Participation in different forms of social and political action. — Membership of some association and type of association to which it belongs. — Feeling towards politics. — Self-definition of their political ideology. — Scale of ideological self-location and political parties in La Rioja. — Electoral participation and remembrance of vote in the regional elections of La Rioja in 2011. — Situation of current coexistence of the interviewee. — Personal situation in various aspects: mortgage payment, regular receipt of financial assistance from the administration, and private health insurance contract. — Religious practice. — Assessment of the personal economic situation. — Probability of losing your current job or finding a new job in the next 12 months. — Time of unemployment and benefit you receive. — Place of birth of the interviewee and nationality.
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