Dataset information
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EDUCACIÓN, Lectura, Prensa, Estudio Cuantitativo, Tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC), Ocio y aficiones, Internet
Dataset description
— Nationality of the person interviewed.
— Evaluation of the economic situation of Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Evaluation of the political situation in Spain, current, retrospective and prospective to one year.
— Most important problems in Spain. Problems that, personally, affect you the most.
— Degree of interest in different areas of culture: music, cinema, reading, theatre, plastic arts and dance.
— Main activity and free time available in one working day.
— Satisfaction with the free time available in a working day for: be with family, partner and friends, play sports or nothing, go to cultural events, use the Internet, watch TV, read books, listen to music.
— Personal assessment of the degree of reading of Spaniards and their evolution (10 years).
— EBook: knowledge of its existence, frequency of use and probability of use. Future evolution.
— Reading habits: frequency, formats, reasons, places and preferred literary genres. Reasons why you don't read or read little.
— Number of books read in the last twelve months.
— Criteria for choosing to read a book.
— Frequency and format of reading of newspapers and magazines.
— Frequency of different situations related to reading in childhood/adolescence: parents read books/story; I read in the compulsory school; he talked about books; in high school he was encouraged to read.
— Purchase of books in the last twelve months. Number of books purchased in the last twelve months.
— Gift of a book to the person interviewed and gift from it to another person (12 months).
— Number of books printed at home.
— Holding of digital books and number of digital books.
— Attendance at a library (last 12 months) and services used in it.
— Internet usage and connection frequency (last 12 months).
— Frequency of reading long texts on the Internet (blogs, etc.).
— Possession of children of school age and ongoing studies. Type of school in which children study.
— Purchase of textbooks. Importance of textbook spending within your household spending. Possession of some kind of help for the purchase of textbooks.
— Domestic equipment (entertainment and communication).
— Degree of agreement with different phrases about their way of being: tends to be reserved; tends to be lazy, allowed to dominate by stress; he has empathy; is little interested in the artistic; is extroverted; is critical of others; is conscientious; is nervous; he’s got a lot of imagination.
— Self-location on a scale (0-10) of trust in people and personal happiness.
— Preference between different alternatives of territorial organisation of the State in Spain.
— Nationalist sentiment.
— Scale of ideology of the person interviewed.
— Voter turnout and recall in June 2016 general elections.
— Religious practice.
— Assessment of the personal economic situation and prospective valuation (1 year).
— Situation of coexistence of unmarried people.
— Frequently with which in your work it is required to read books, reports, etc.
— Probability of losing or finding current employment in the next 12 months.
— Personal and household income.
— Moment of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of Spanish of the person interviewed and attributed by the interviewer.
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