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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 3178|EQUALITY AND SOCIAL MOBILITY API!

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Dataset information

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VIDA COTIDIANA, Vivienda y entorno, Juventud, Alimentación, EDUCACIÓN, Familia y formas de convivencia, Vida laboral, Salud, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, Estudio Cuantitativo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Nationality of the person interviewed. Scale of satisfaction (0-10) with personal life. Personal happiness scale (0-10). Scale of certainty (1-5) of different statements about situations in personal daily life. Scale of agreement (1-6) with different affirmations about one’s personality. People who lived together when they were 16 years old. The parent of the person interviewed lived during their childhood. Often their parents encouraged different issues during their childhood and adolescence. Number of people their parents could turn to in different personal circumstances during their childhood and adolescence. Residence in the same locality when they were 16 years old than at present. Type of location where you resided when you were 16 years old. Different characteristics of the locality of residence when they were 16 years old and the current one. Ownership of the primary school. Scale of agreement (0-10) with different educational situations given during childhood and adolescence. Frequently studied on weekends and holidays during childhood and adolescence. Personal health status during childhood and adolescence: assessment, health problems. Personal body weight and height. Sleep guidelines: time that is usually asleep, degree of rest obtained. Consumption of any medication with/without a prescription in the last year. Frequency of physical or sports activity. Consumption of tobacco, alcohol, pre-cooked foods. Ideological location scale (1-10) personal, father and mother. Voter turnout in the 2016 general election Voting memory in the 2016 general election. Place of birth of the person interviewed. Brothers/as: tenure, number, position occupied by each other. Personal situation of coexistence as a couple of unmarried people. People with whom you usually live. Number of people you can go to in different personal circumstances. Children: tenure, number, ages, sex, studies. Studies of the parent when the person interviewed was 16 years old. Means to get the current or last job. Scale of importance (0-10) of different aspects to get the current job or last job. Often she stayed to work outside working hours or took her work home. Occupation/branch of activity of the parent at the age of 16 of the person interviewed (CNO11-CNAE09). Household and personal income. Subjective social class scale (0-10) of the person interviewed. Poverty scale (0-10) where he is personally located, his parents when he was 16 years old and his/her children. Housing tenure regime. Time of acquisition of Spanish nationality. Level of knowledge of the Spanish language.
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