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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 3271|JANUARY 2020 BAROMETER API!

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, MEDIO AMBIENTE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Nationality of the person interviewed. — Assessment of the current, retrospective and prospective economic situation of Spain. — Assessment of the current and prospective personal economic situation. — Assessment of the current, retrospective and prospective political situation in Spain. — Main problems that currently exist in Spain and social problems that personally affect you most. — Assessment of the management of the central government of the PSOE. — Assessment of whether PP, VOX or Podemos would make a better management if they governed. — Scale of probability (0-10) of voting to different political parties. — Self-definition of their political ideology and definition of the political ideology of different national political parties. — Scale of probability (0-10) of voting in the next elections. — Knowledge and scale of assessment (1-10) of national political leaders. — Degree of confidence in the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and in the leader of the main opposition party, Pablo Casado — Personal preference for different political leaders as Prime Minister. — Interest with which the news about climate change is followed. — Knowledge of the 25th UN conference on climate change and source through which it has been reported. — Assessment of the 25th conference on climate change in Spain and its usefulness. — Ways in which we have participated or informed about the 25 climate change conference and its usefulness for the formation/change of opinion on the subject. — Opinion on the existence of climate change and the possibility of reducing it. — Perception of the existence of a climate emergency situation. — Degree of confidence in different actions to reduce or stop climate change and predisposition to carry out certain actions to reduce pollution. — Forward-looking attitude towards climate change. — Intention to vote (first and alternative) in supposed general elections and political party for which he feels more sympathy. — Ideological self-location scale (1-10) — Ideological location scale (1-10) of political parties and national political leaders. — Vote fidelity in different elections. — Electoral turnout, vote memory and party closest to its own ideas in the April 2019 general elections. — Schooling and level of study of the person interviewed. — Religiosity and frequency of attendance at religious offices of the person interviewed. — Marital and cohabitation status. — Employment status and occupation (precoded) of the person interviewed. — Household and personal income. — Subjective social class of the person interviewed.
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